Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Pelo

Bunny [ Wallpaper ]

We have spoken of the “Stanford 3D Scanning Repository” in another of the blog entries. The Stanford repository brings 3D models composed of surfaces (models of borders) use in the comparison of results of modern representation techniques. One of the favorite models can be downloaded in different resolutions (number of polygons) this is… (leer más)

Calabaza de Halloween 2014 : Wallpaper

Cada vez que se acercan las fechas señaladas repetimos los mismos patrones de comportamiento. En Halloween no hay excepción tampoco y nos rodeamos de imágenes fantasmagóricas que nos recuerdan que es la noche de los difuntos.

Las calabazas vaciadas e iluminadas con velas son uno de los elementos decorativos más representativos de estas fechas en determinados países.

Ya está disponible la nueva versión de Blender ( 2.66 )

As every few months, a new version of the most important free modeling and animation software has come to light. Blender 2.66 is available for download on different operating systems on the official pages of the application:

The novelties are many important.

First were fixed over 250 errors (bugs) the previous version.

Pacman & Hair

Ago 30 years after the creation of one of the most friendly computer games and addictive: Pacman, and you have a video tribute of a program I made hair adding these unique characters. Cosas de la técnica. Google le ha realizado su clásico homenaje, aunque en este caso un poco más elaborado que… (leer más)

Filiform Hair and Forms: Real-time programming

The scheduling of applications that allow animations or simulations run in real time faces in most cases to complex problems that treat a large number of data; cuanto mayor realismo se pretenda obtener, mayor “coste computacional” será necesario. El desarrollo de nuevas técnicas de programación es un área de… (leer más)

PIZ and hair

You know that I have a weakness for geometry, drawing, painting, Photo and everything that has to do with the image. Even the character who sneaks into my blogs has soul of artist, is a pencil. The other day I left a video of their first concert, and between the warm comments… (leer más)