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Graphic PIZiadas

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Blender 2.79 release candidate

We are expecting a major change in Blender with the expected version 2.8 will bring a change of graphics engine among other innovations, when we have the latest revision of the series 2.7, the 2.79.

This version is not compatible with previous, more like a first staging of some new features that we will see in more detail in the desired 2.8.

How to create a 3D PDF for documentation and education

Current technology allows us to generate documents with rich content. In this case we will see how you can incorporate a 3D model to a document format “PDF”, retaining the three-dimensional model information, allowing us to change your display interactively.

Blender 2.78

We began the academic year with a new version of the suite of image synthesis Blender, in particular this is called Blender 2.78.

Like all deliveries, with error correction, adds new features that enhance the performance of this magnificent open-source software (OpenSource) it will allow us to model objects, add materials and textures, animate with different techniques, simulating physical phenomena, edit videos etc. in an integrated environment professional level.

Blender 2.76

Faithful to its usual quarterly appointments, Blender, the popular open source animation suite, It presents a new version in the next updates on performance and efficiency, expand their roles in various aspects of interest.

Blender 2.75

We have not finished assimilating the improvements of version 2.74 popular Blender animation suite and we have a major upgrade. Coinciding with the month of July is just published the link to version 2.75, After a preliminary version “Test” and two “release candidate”.

Blender 2.74 Test Build

The new version of Blender animation suite is now available for download. This corresponds to the numbering 2.74 in its review “Test Build” It will serve to detect and correct errors before the “Release Candidate” I see the next few days.

Blender 2.73 RC

Christmas tend to be accompanied by gifts that fill us with enthusiasm and for lovers of the Blender 3D animation, the popular suite of free software that allows the different phases that lead to the production of a film of this genre, It has given us a new version that is available on your pages.

New version of Blender (2.72)

Fiel a su costumbre, el equipo de desarrolladores de Blender nos ofrecen una nueva versión de la conocida suite de creación de animaciones digitales. Se ha añadido, como es costumbre, una página dedicada a mostrar las nuevas características de esta versión.

Junto a la mejora e implementación de nuevas funcionalidades en el motor de render “Cycles”, se sigue evolucionando en la creación de un interface de usuario cada vez más amigables y contextual.

Molecular Flipbook Toolkit

Las animaciones por ordenador se usan principalmente para crear películas o cortos de animación que sirven para entretenernos. También son una poderosa herramienta que dan soporte a la publicidad en general.

Una interesante iniciativa científica se apoya en herramientas gráficas de edición tridimensional, en particular en el motor de juegos de Blender, para desarrollar una metodología de simulación y comunicación de procesos biológicos a nivel molecular.
Molecular Flipbook es una nueva herramienta “opensource” desarrollada aprovechando software libre para dotar a los científicos y educadores de una herramienta específica de animación a partir de moléculas básicas: las proteinas. Estos objetos pueden obtenerse a partir de los bancos de proteinas existentes en la actualidad.

New version of Blender (2.7)

We are already used to having, periodically, new versions of the popular suite of image editing and animation synthesis “Blender”.
Besides error correction with respect to other versions, substantial improvements in each revision affecting friendliness incorporated, potential of this powerful and efficient tool.
As always, are offered a version “candidate” for consideration before the release of the official version. You can download a copy for your operating system from the official pages

Tango Project: Recovery of three-dimensional environment with a mobile

Many of the things we can see in a science fiction movie actually end up with the passage of time. One of the most interesting ideas that I could see in the movie “Prometheus” was the use of a small “drones” sphere-shaped allowing exploration, automatically, del entorno en… (leer más)