Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Categorías Volumen

Volume Shaders : Volume absorption [ Blender ][ Cycles ]

Cycles includes nodes that model the passage of light through the objects interacting with them. One of these models is called shader calculation “Volume absortion”, it is especially suitable for working with transparent objects (used in combination with the shader “Glass” inter alia) o simular humo y nubes.

Volume absorption [ Blender ][ Wallpaper ]

Incorporates Blender Cycles render volumetric imaging allowing increasingly realistic. Although the shader is in constant development, the degree of maturity that has largely simulates the behavior of light in different areas.
Next to simulate techniques such as participating media Scattering, the absorption of light along the volume of the scene allows us to play with its attenuation with distance from the emission source. A new node with which continue to experience in our classes.

Cycles : Shaders : Mix [ Blender ]


In addition to the basic set of “shaders” incorporating “Blender” in “Cycles”, There is a special element that can combine two of them: “Mix Shader”.

The definition of a material, normally, will be conducted using two or more shaders on the same object. The main difficulty is to determine the properties needed to create the desired effect that simulates the behavior of the material to light.

Cycles : Shaders : Glass [ Blender ]


Another “shaders” incorporating “Cycles” one Blender es “Glass”. Simulate glass and crystals, and other transparent surfaces,

The crystal is a medium that allows the passage of light (translucent) modifying its trajectory. It also reflects the light creating high gloss specular effects.

Cycles : Shaders : Glossy [ Blender ]


The lighting of a scene primarily used diffusion and reflection effects.

We have seen the basic shader using Cycles, called "diffuse", which is based on the model of Lambert or Oren-Nayar, based on the value that is used for the parameter "Roughness" ( 0 = Lambertian). This calculation model simulates the dispersion or diffusion of light on the material, but does not consider the effects of specular reflection that are associated with the model called “Glossy”.