Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Archivo de agosto 2010

New separators for blogs : CLIPP

@clipp_es Hoy os presento un nuevo segregador en fase “Beta” which is becoming more mature. Goefry An initiative that is growing and evolving to incorporate new features. Una de las características principales de la herramienta es la segregación automática en Twitter de los post; el sistema está automatizado y no es necesaria… (leer más)

Morphing : @FranJuice [ Sqirlz Morph ]

@FranJuice Rehabilitándome de los Startups, franchise, ICT, of Social Media, of business management, operation and how not, de la vida 🙂 joseluis.gato

For Uru : Tribute

Many know to Uru and his blog “Uruguayita South and cafes”, possibly before I started in this world so direct communication, close and personal. Surely know much more and therefore what I say, I feel, so you will have sense and. Uru is an exceptional, next in the… (leer más)

Effects of reflection in water : Baseline : Software Sqirlz Water Reflections

The reflection of light on a surface responds to a simple geometric pattern. The axial symmetry about a plane or can explain and calculate their behavior. El software Sqirlz Water permite obtener imágenes reflejadas utilizando estos patrones de comportamiento de la luz, as we have seen to enter the “reflection in water“ Para analizar… (leer más)

Effects of reflection in water : Software Sqirlz Water Reflections

We have seen how to make a morphing of an image by special software (Sqirlz Morph) Xiberpix company from two images or videos. En esta entrada incorporamos una nueva herramienta a nuestro repertorio de programas de manipulación de imagen de síntesis, con la que podremos generar impresionantes efectos de reflexión especular mezclados con… (leer más)