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My world is in..

Forest neurons

Santiago Ramon y Cajal was the first researcher who managed to see under a microscope the cells that form the brain.

We have many pictures taken in their studies of this complex organ called “forest neurons” by the density of the packing.

A computer image that recreates this density of dendrites and axons can give us an idea of ​​the difficulties encountered by researchers to identify the morphology and connectivity of neurons.

The adult brain contains about 100 billion neurons, with branches that connect at more than 100 points trillion. Scientists gave the name of “forest neurons” this network expanded dense. (His brain)

Bosque de neuronas

Cajal Blue Brain Project aims to identify the mechanisms of cognitive processes, connections simulating a mammal and later through the development of “Connectome”, (a map of the brain) understand their overall performance in detail.

Santiago Ramón y Cajal (Petilla of Aragon, Navarre, 1 May 1852 – Madrid, 17 October 1934) was a Spanish doctor, specializes in histology and anatomic and microscopic pathology. He received the Nobel Prize in Medicine 1906 to discover the mechanisms that govern the morphology and connective processes of nerve cells, a revolutionary new theory that came to be called the "neuron doctrine", from brain tissue is composed of individual cells. This is called head “Generation of 80” or “Wise Generation”.(W)

Cajal Blue Brain Project: The connectome by raulespert

Definition: The connectome is the set of neurons establishing interconnections. The definition of the human connectome allow brain structural description and a deepening of their functional mechanisms.(molecular medicine)

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