Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Technical Drawing with QR codes for the project INNOVABLOG

QR codeUniversal access to the Internet and the proliferation of user-friendly tools provide new educational opportunities that training in core subjects is enriched with learning work methods that exploit these new resources.

Social networks with content repositories can be conjugated establishing production and communication environments adaptable to new educational paradigms, wherein the asynchronous access time provide a better utilization of the resources.

During the course 2009-2010 has developed a first uses free experience based environments "blogs" with two groups of first year, in which we have analyzed the usefulness, possibilities and difficulties in the preparation and monitoring of training units made by students.

This experience serves as a starting point for a new project, has duplicadoa experience with corrections and additions that have been identified as viable and, fundamentally, convenient.


Blog Móvil

We used ICTs applied to the training of students in computer skills for technical documentation.

This proposal seeks to combine the advantages of the new social networking and communication spaces, such as blogs, sites, social and other interests currently in development environments.

The objectives should be highlighted mainly:

  • Student Motivation Thanks to the work of exploration tools attractive
  • Healthy competition between groups of students to encourage the development of learning units with quality content
  • Promoting the mainstreaming in relation to other subjects

Tracking this methodology has positive effects on student training for various reasons

There is a procedure in which the development of a continuous work requires continuous monitoring of the subject, thereby facilitating naturally assimilation, while allowing continuous assessment, apart from the intrinsic benefits for the student, allows the teacher to take action as soon as detected propaedeutic deviations or training gaps regarding scheduled work plan.


To implement the working model have been proposed sequential phases are overlapping in some respects, setting a course that gives results:

  • Increased knowledge of the / s subjects involved, particularly graphic expression, and their contractual relationship in the curriculum.
  • Best time distribution of students, to be modeled asynchronous
  • Adjustment of the starting to the profile of each student.

The phases that have been set are:

  1. Formation of teams, grouping students in groups of four or maximum five components, with assigned "roles" similar to those established in cooperative dynamics. These groups establish a rotation system roles to take on responsibilities in all.
  2. Installing a centralized platform to work of students who serve as a reference in turn to the other fellow. A platform on which to deposit elaborate units would in turn classified based on their quality and relevance to the topics in the subjects. (Dibublog)
  3. Process technological and methodological training: The correct use of the tools required initial minimum training is acquired easily if guide. Among the strengths of our students learning emphasizes ease of new technology and his passion and willingness to use.
  4. Distribution of group and personal tasks. Each group is responsible for developing specific units that are within the exclusive jurisdiction. These units provide the basis for other groups that should complement and use them in new jobs sequentially chained. This technique ensures that all groups must work each of the parties but partially delegated the initial preparatory.
  5. Establishing a ranking of jobs who have been exposed to good advantage, on the central platform of content location, promoting healthy competition between teams, that their efforts will be rewarded with greater projection or visibility of their contributions.

Creating the blog


Project evaluation is performed in two large blocks.

One should measure the learning objective result with the corresponding rates of return / success and achievement on matters participants, the second adaptation of new methodologies in traditional subjects. In particular in the area of ​​graphic expression is evaluated:

  • Geometric Conception mechanical models aeronautical engineering are studied in accredited courses.
  • The domain reached the geometry of space, representation and associated design techniques
  • The degree of relationship they establish with the other subjects first-year engineering education, highlighting the graphical pattern matching for application to different disciplines
  • Level using new tools computer
  • Degree of satisfaction and involvement of students with the formative

There have been a series of shots of objective data about, among which are the following:

  • Monitoring of the activity displayed, assessing the number of hours spent and the productivity achieved in the development of content
  • Participation and satisfaction surveys Student, are detected in the strengths and weaknesses of the method from the viewpoint of motivational
  • Assessment objective evidence educational levels achieved, establishing a comparative analysis with other ordinary regulated courses.
  • Subjective evaluation of teachers involved, analyzing the generalizability of these methods to permanently ordinary courses.

For daily monitoring and maintenance of the infrastructure deployed for this project has required the presence of support staff, especially when training scenarios are duplicated as a result of adaptation to the educational model fruit called "Bologna Process".

The support staff monitoring provides new insights and suggestions that are immediately transferred to the project when feasible, and, in any case, serve as partial conclusions thereof.

QR codes for technical drawing

One consequence of the development of the project has been the development of tools exploitable. Concept “Illiteracy digital” has served as a model for the development of a set of templates based on “QR codes” for use as support elements in the ordinary teaching, particularly in practical classes.

Projection Template with QR codes

These templates are provided to students to, according to their rhythm training, and using computers format “Tab” with camera, undertake a series of practical exercises in the classroom, in particular those of “Technical Drawing”.

Each QR code redirects to a particular exercise deposited in the blog.

These templates can be used with projection devices for students “capture” suggested exercises to take home.

capturing QR Codes

A QR code (Quick Response Barcode) is a system for storing information in a Dot matrix or a bar-code created by the company bidimensional Japanese Denso-Wave is a 1994; characterized by the three squares that are in the corners and to detect the position of the code reader. (W)

Example Template



This project has been funded by the University of Madrid (UPM) within projects “Innovación Educativa” with the project number IE100135110

Teachers have participated:
José Juan Aliaga Maraver, Javier Pérez Álvarez, Jaime Rua José Armesto, José Amadeo Alonso Arroyo, Benedito José Luis Pérez and M ª Jesús Casati Calzada, with the support of the workforce Tomás González Arévalo and fellow Celia Martin Martinez, IT student Aeronautics.