Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Archivo de septiembre 2012

Night Flight [ Timelapse ]

Visualization techniques known as accelerated image “Timelapse” give us a different view of natural phenomena, well as those that are analyzed over a period.

The behavior of an airport, illuminated at night, is a show if you look this particular prism.

The cadence of landing and takeoff of aircraft is enhanced imaging techniques that make this video a masterpiece of the genre, especially for aviation enthusiasts.

Gopher broke [ Animation ]


A short mood (Jeff Fowler) it was nominated in the 2005 for an Oscar for best animated short.

Produced by Blur Studio, shows us the adventures of its protagonist to get some food.

A plan unfortunately frustrated by other secondary actors, which however did not discourage our character.

Invention of Love (2010) [ Animation ]

“Invention of Love” short animation is a very personal aesthetic. Images are constructed from silhouettes in different planes that provide depth to the scenes.

A story of love in a world of gears serves singular theme of this work, written and directed by Andrey Shushkov and original music and sound Sizova Polina, Anton Melnikov.

Iphone 5 [ Mosaic 2400 x 1200 ]


Another anticipated release with Apple's apple. El Iphone 5 has been revealing in different angles to create an expectation in the innovation-hungry technocrats.

The last few days have appeared or stolen images, at least, of doubtful origin, until the official presentation of the product.

A mosaic (almost a rosary) confuses our minds, like the image below commemorative event, comparing the old and new model, and you can view high resolution (iphone 4 Vs iphone 5 in 2400 x 1200) selecting it with the mouse.

LuxRender 1.0 : Nuevo motor de renderizado basado en la física de la luz

Logo LuxRender

LuxRender is a rendering engine based on the physical properties of light.

Has recently been made available to end users a new stable version, labeled 1.0, available on Windows platforms, Mac the Lynux.

LuxRender can generate realistic images, as we can see by visiting his gallery

Big Catch [ Animation ]

Big catch

When a fisherman decides to relax on the dock, can not imagine that will make capturing your life.

This simple argument, undoubtedly reflecting the wishes of any fisherman, serve this nice thread in computer animation short.

Assassin's Creed 3 Vs Assassin's Craft III : Machinima


One of the ways to promote a video game is to create a small short video as part of the developing story of the same argument. This work is usually done with the graphics engine of the game itself, aunque algunas escenas pueden ser renderizadas con herramientas de animación más elaboradas para cuidar el detalle… (leer más)

ESA astronaut André Kuipers’ tour of the International Space Station


Other Kuipers (@ Astro_andre) invites us to walk through the space station on a trip commented, in which we discover this fantastic corner of spatial structure. A more detailed explanations about objects, cabinets and everyday items that are part of everyday life of astronauts. A Ride 55 minutos con… (leer más)

Hugo Boss McLaren 3D Projection Mapping

El arte del projection mapping, o proyección de imágenes animadas sobre objetos, encuentra cada vez más espacios públicos en los que puede desarrollarse como medio de comunicación artística o, como en este caso, publicitaria.

Un canal audiovisual que permite promocionar marcas o eventos mediante un lenguaje propio de gran espectacularidad. En este caso la unión del mundo de la moda y el automovilismo financian esta interesante proyección en el centro de Milan.

Alarm [ Animation ]


Again get up early.

After the well-deserved vacation to have to adapt back to school, from the daily routine that is imposed from the early hours of the day with the stridency of the alarm.

In the hands of animators, Moo-hyun Jang y Jung-woo Choo, “Alarm” awakens us to our dream holiday.