Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categories Science

What is Raytracing? Introduction to image synthesis.

To create photorealistic images using different programming techniques, being “Raytracing” or “raytracing” one of the most interesting offering.

In this paper we introduce concepts necessary to understand how to generate one of these images, while this technique is presented by a sequence of “intermediate photos” that explain in detail the properties of synthetic lighting models.

Metric Geometry [Experimental Blogs]

This page links to content published selected blogs innovative educational experience. Esto es una selección de los trabajos que han publicado el último mes los grupos que se han formado para dicha experiencia. I hope you like his extraordinary contribution to the educational world. The beauty of geometry… (leer más)

Abstract reasoning: Thermodynamics and Infierno.

Yesterday I left a reflection for my son. Today I give answer metaphorically, by an example that has fallen into my hands and coming “like a glove”. The question threw me was: Do you think it is easier to design a supersonic plane that a thermos? The article (I like the referenciarme,… (leer más)

Paradojas del Diseño

This afternoon my son has given me a reason and I asked him to write me. Todo ha empezado cuando me ha preguntado ¿Crees que es más fácil diseñar un avión supersónico que un termo?. Os dejo su disertación. Esta mañana, enjoying a dynamic and exciting class of thermodynamics- para quien no haya… (leer más)