Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categories Science

Perlin Noise: Pseudorandom functions for terrain generation

The creation of virtual environments requires the modeling of large amounts of training data for different scenarios recreate surfaces. The fractal nature of our world allows the use of various mathematical functions for the automation of these tasks. Trees, land, clouds, fire etc.. are built with different techniques many of them based… (leer más)

The Known Universe by AMNH

My partner always forwards Santiago Poveda works great interest. I leave the text of your mail and the embeded video. I would see it in full screen! Just a few weeks, el Museo Americano de Historia Natural colgó en la red este espectacular vídeo, una reconstrucción informática que muestra un “viaje” desde la superficie… (leer más)

Amino representation

An amino acid, as the name suggests, is an organic molecule with an amino group (-NH2) and a carboxylic group (-COOH; acid). The most frequent and most interesting are those amino acids that make up proteins. Two amino acids are combined in a condensation reaction that releases water to form a peptide bond. These two… (leer más)

Representation of Proteins

Proteins are macromolecules consisting of linear chains of amino acids. The name protein comes from the Greek word πρώτα (“prota”), meaning “the first” or god Proteus , by the number of ways that can be taken. (Wikipedia) Hemoglobin a few years ago enjoyed programming a molecular structures Viewer. This image is the first that I kept, a molecule of hemoglobin… (leer más)

Roadmap? For a Thesis?

My supervisor insists that addresses the challenge to realize an orderly approach in defining the formal stages. I jokingly call "Roadmap". Algo hace que me resista a elaborar este plan de trabajo. Me propongo confeccionar el documento (forzado por tanto) and, mientras lo afronto, me dejo llevar por… (leer más)

Cajal Blue Brain: Brain molecular simulation

The Blue Brain Project aims molecular level simulation of the mammalian brain. In this first article outlines the main ideas and actors involved in the project. This initiative, supported by Big Blue (IBM) It focuses on Spain in the so-called Cajal Blue Brain (in honor of our… (leer más)

Squaring the Circle is not difficult, It is impossible!

All that we have ever said that something is more difficult than squaring the circle. What does it mean? It is impossible. Squaring the circle is therefore not a difficult task, not impossible. The mathematical problem can be stated as: “Determining a square having the same area as a circle“ Esto… (leer más)

How to generate a Recursive Fractal.

Fractals have been commonly known by its appearance or artistic expression. Benoît Mandelbrot defended its importance now begins to glimpse. Escher drew them from his imagination, without knowing complex equations representing.

(Imagen M.C. Escher's "Gravity")

The use of fractals in diversss disciplines, as generators of complex systems models, are an area of ​​research ever more present.

An approach to fractal geometry can be easily performed by the Koch curve.

Always has mistreated the Drawing.

If any area of ​​knowledge has been abused in contemporary education has been to “Graphic Expression“. Usually has taught in courses that have been termed pejoratively as “the marias“; The meaning is associated with its facility to be approved by the students. Drawing, plastic expression, arts education, etc., son nombres comúnmente utilizados… (leer más)

What is LOD?: Level Of Detail

The realization of complex scenarios and games with high realism demands the use of sophisticated techniques that avoid saturating the bandwidth available on graphics cards.

Reducing the number of polygons to represent one of the priority objectives for improving performance.

Una técnica que permite representar un objeto con un número de polígonos que depende de la distancia del objeto al punto de observación se denomina LOD (Level Of Detail)

En este artículo profundizaremos en estos conceptos que permiten optimizar la representación de complejas escenas con gran realismo.