Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categories Science

Blogs experimental: Starting an experience of educational use of blogs

The pedagogical debate on the educational use of blogs, formative perspective, has led to the development of many innovative educational experiences. In the EUITA of the UPM , during this course, se añade una más en la que se usa el blog como cuaderno de equipo, en una aproximación digital de las… (leer más)

Display: Visual tools for the socio–semantic web

Seeking models for scientific visualization applications of massive data (neurons of the cerebral cortex) he disfrutado con el trabajo de Moritz Stefaner y su Masters Thesis “Visual tools for the socio–semantic web” (.pdf, 12MB)
In his bibliography is defined as a person interested in the representation of information:

Aerodays 2011

I received an email which he spread through this post given the interest of the event is announced (for the aviation sector). Estimados investigadores Este año tendrá lugar en Madrid la celebración del evento “Aerodays 2011” during days 30 March and 1 April. This is an event that, every four years, reúne a los… (leer más)

Instructions Impossible

This mount meets three elements exist impossible to have been composed as an illustration of a technical manual. Perspective manipulation, Gestalt laws governing the perspective, the use of elements “real quasi”, allow deceive the senses as this interesting image. ¿Sacada de un manual de Ikea? Not, but… (leer más)

Rotor [Imagen]


A helicopter rotor is the rotating part of a helicopter aerodynamic lift generated. The helicopter rotor, also called the rotor system, typically refers to the helicopter's main rotor is mounted on a vertical mast on top of the helicopter, although it can also refer to the tail rotor. A… (leer más)

Comparison of the size of the stars HD

It's hard to imagine the size of celestial bodies, space, of the dimensions of an unknown universe. The following video allows us to take a walk in the universe and compare the size of a few bodies known, since our honeymoon to a red giant star. Un paseo espectacular que te recomiendo realizar en pantalla… (leer más)

PDF with 3D content for technical documentation

One of the skills that every engineer has needed to develop is to interpret blueprints and all kinds of graphical properly. Initial training has been based traditionally on the development of exercises based on simple elements representation whose complexity increases as does their ability to “spatial vision”. Often, y como… (leer más)

Discovery: STS-131. Time Lapse Movie

Un fantástico vídeo acelerado (Time lapse), que nos muestra la fase final de un lanzamiento en la que se realiza el ensamblaje del “Space Shuttel” con el conjunto formado por los depósitos laterales de combustible y el motor principal, así como su traslado a la estructura soporte para su lanzamiento.

Proyecto “Neurona”

This post aims to show publicly a development project I am carrying out the social network Twitter. Its purpose is to inform the community that I relate to an activity of scientific interest in which people are participating indirectly you share my space (TL).

Effects of reflection in water : Software Sqirlz Water Reflections

We have seen how to make a morphing of an image by special software (Sqirlz Morph) Xiberpix company from two images or videos. En esta entrada incorporamos una nueva herramienta a nuestro repertorio de programas de manipulación de imagen de síntesis, con la que podremos generar impresionantes efectos de reflexión especular mezclados con… (leer más)