Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categories Science

Forest neurons

Santiago Ramon y Cajal was the first researcher who managed to see under a microscope the cells that form the brain.

We have many pictures taken in their studies of this complex organ called “forest neurons” by the density of the packing.

A computer image that recreates this density of dendrites and axons can give us an idea of ​​the difficulties encountered by researchers to identify the morphology and connectivity of neurons.

Recursive Fractals: Sierpinski Triangle [JAVA]


We have seen a first program called “DrawWorld” we introduced the JAVA programming oriented graphics. Veamos como modificar este programa elemental para generar un fractal recursivo básico: From Sierpinski triangle. (View as generating a recursive fractal) Es un fractal que se construye de forma recursiva a partir de un triángulo… (leer más)

The Antikythera mechanism [School]

Within the work that our students have posted on their blog are those that refer to aspects of the geometry of antiquity dating. The interest in the technical aspects of difficult explanation is reflected in articles like the one with one of the most interesting mysteries: Antikythera mechanism (Antikythera).

Origami: Topological Principles [TED]


Todos hemos jugado en alguna ocasión con una hoja de papel para construir formas más o menos complejas, como las clásicas pajaritas o los típicos avioncitos que nos lanzábamos en el aula. Estas construcciones basadas en unos cuantos y simples principios topológicos constituyen un arte que se cultiva especialmente en algunos países asiáticos.

What looks like a fern, the coast and a snowflake?

The work done by my students in educatica innovation projects to improve teaching by incorporating new technologies, I want to highlight one that includes a very topical issue, and transcribe literally. Fue publicado originalmente en sus blogs durante el curso 2009-2010. Fractales por Catetos de la Geometría… (leer más)


WDL is “World Digital Library” UNESCO's initiative open to knowledge. Gather maps, texts, Photos, grabaciones y películas de todos los tiempos y explica en siete idiomas las joyas y reliquias culturales de todas las bibliotecas del planeta. You have, above all, carácter patrimonial, anticipó Abdelaziz Abid , coordinador del proyecto impulsado porla… (leer más)