Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categories Science

Brain II [ Wallpaper ] [ Imagen ]


To study the brain are often used images that allow you to see its outer surface (cortex) or distinct parts which are inside (agmídala, brain…)
Sagittal sections normally used to represent the inside while, Thanks to modern techniques of representation, can simulate cortex transparent walls which allow observation of the elements normally hidden. The picture is a representation of the cortex with the technique of creating “halo” Blender itself, as an alternative models estos.

Brain [ Wallpaper ] [ Imagen ]


A synthetic image of the most important organ of the human body, wallpaper format 1280 x 1024, made with Blender from a network pattern found in 3DStudio Max format. Different textures have been applied to different regions of the cerebral cortex. To get the image resolution suitable to press with the… (leer más)

Projections and navigation [School]


The specialty of Air Navigation, denominada “Aeronavigation”, the teachings of a specialized aeronautical engineering make use of geometry for making charts.

Students who have made this work are sensitive to it and therefore highlight one of the applications of the teachings they have received.

Autonomous characters: Boids


Animating particle systems is particularly important in the generation of complex groups such as simulating a flock of birds, herds of animals, etc. shoals.

These techniques are included in the concept of autonomous characters and are based on simple rules that are applied individually to each of the elements forming the group.

Mathematical Games [ School ] [ Experimental Blogs ]


Among the items that have posted my students are some who, if not represent exactly the model we have studied geometry, develop the intellect, curiosity and desire to learn.

No less interesting his playful orientation as a means of approach to knowledge, and above all makes us think about other ways to approach them exploiting its foci of interest.

Drawing with water : Diffusion in ink


Drawing an interesting technique performed with water and ink which is based on the concept of diffusion (we study in physics) whereby, molecules of two liquids are mixed.

This drawing technique is employed by Emmanuel Guibert, comic book artist and writer, for creating a magnificent graphic novel ALAN'S WAR.

Eyes on the Solar System : Visor de misiones de la NASA

eyes NASA

NASA has made available to the public in general a 3D environment that allows us to explore the cosmos from our computer with actual data of their missions. El software se denomina “Eyes on Solar System” and is accessible from the official NASA pages. Immerse yourself with your sight in our Solar system and… (leer más)

Engineering, brain architecture and neuroscience XXI century

Javier defelipe

Este año, in the act of opening the course 2011/2012, We have had the presence of Javier DeFelipe, Cortical Circuits Laboratory (CTB), we gave an interesting lecture on the status of the project “Cajal Blue Brain” entitled:

“Engineering, brain architecture and neuroscience XXI century”.

Scientific visualization : Handbook of Data Visualization [ Book ]


An adequate representation of the data is an essential part of any data analysis. Modern developments of information processing based on the use of PCs have allowed significant improvements in graphics capabilities offering new possibilities for data visualization. “Handbook of Data Visualization” es un volumen de la serie de Manuales de Springer de Estadística Computacional que ofrece una visión general de los modernos métodos de visualización de… (leer más)

Recreational physical : Pendulum Waves o “The dance of the pendulums”


Simple pendulums fifteen coupled lengths ranging monotonically increasing together and produce a waveform which varies with time

One might call this kinetic art getting a beautiful choreography with dance of the pendulums.