Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Categorías técnica

Morphing images with Blender

In my regular visits BlenderNation find new techniques developed for Blender tasks that initially has been designed.
In this case, Francois hand "CoyHot" Grassard have this interesting sequence in which, by a screenshot fast motion, shows us how to make a morphing between two pictures using only Blender.

Scientific visualization : Handbook of Data Visualization [ Book ]


An adequate representation of the data is an essential part of any data analysis. Modern developments of information processing based on the use of PCs have allowed significant improvements in graphics capabilities offering new possibilities for data visualization. “Handbook of Data Visualization” es un volumen de la serie de Manuales de Springer de Estadística Computacional que ofrece una visión general de los modernos métodos de visualización de… (leer más)

Abstract Oak: Sequence [Oil]

Some days ago, a partner who works Trompe (see Stein and pears) I wondered while having a coffee: How do you think when you paint one of your paintings (Abstract)? That question led me to a deep reflection and, accordingly, did this little article that guides one of the works I've done. Not all… (leer más)