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Graphic PIZiadas

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Categorías Libro

The Secret Code [ Book ]

There are books and books. Some serve mainly to balance a wobbly table, while, others, never cease to fascinate.
The geometry as ancient science is reflected in all aspects surrounding the history of the human. Her knowledge has allowed the development of painting, architecture, interpreting nature …
In particular the segment aureus, the so-called divine proportion or golden rule of geometry, systematically appears in all geometric models to be a basic theme of the training of our current engineers.

Geometry and origami [ Book ]

Geometry and origami Stella is a book published by Homo Sapiens Ricotti transmitting “happiness” from the world of mathematics. The author takes us to the world of geometry “playing” from bases underlying topological a paper sheet.

A teaching resource certainly of great value that can be entered at different educational levels; allows “touch” mathematics from the realization of the geometric models that express perfection.

Origami : How to Book

book origami

The art of creating objects from a single sheet of paper, origami, is based on a few simple principles topological. An interesting example that may surprise us is the realization of a small book based on these techniques. Also, for younger, It can be a fun element that serves to bring them to this… (leer más)

Scientific visualization : Handbook of Data Visualization [ Book ]


An adequate representation of the data is an essential part of any data analysis. Modern developments of information processing based on the use of PCs have allowed significant improvements in graphics capabilities offering new possibilities for data visualization. “Handbook of Data Visualization” es un volumen de la serie de Manuales de Springer de Estadística Computacional que ofrece una visión general de los modernos métodos de visualización de… (leer más)


WDL is “World Digital Library” UNESCO's initiative open to knowledge. Gather maps, texts, Photos, grabaciones y películas de todos los tiempos y explica en siete idiomas las joyas y reliquias culturales de todas las bibliotecas del planeta. You have, above all, carácter patrimonial, anticipó Abdelaziz Abid , coordinador del proyecto impulsado porla… (leer más)

An image by Mil # letrasenelsahara [Contest]

Saber leer es la base de cualquier educación. Hace unos días Javier Sanz nos presentó con “Letters in the Sahara, born on the network and leads to the desert” una iniciativa de colaboración con el proyecto Bubisher (a mobile library for refugee camps). Books are needed to cover the project, financiación para los gastos de envío… (leer más)

Calendar 2011 International Year of Forests

Ecologists in Action has a page where we have the most important days 2011 with events or events that are planned for the International Year of Forests. In addition to the dates cited, We offer a beautiful calendar that you can download in PDF format to print download. Between the dates that… (leer más)

L37R45 3N 3L 54H4R4 # letrasenelsahara [Marathon][Imagen]

L37R45 3N 3L 54H4R4 #letrasenelsahara Una propuesta de @costampla “Marathon” to support the initiative of @ jsanz “#letraseneldesierto” has triggered a storm that has populated desert lyrics, twitter has been abuzz with phrases poetry to be found “in the rough” in the order that has been lashing the TL. The initiative, que ha… (leer más)

Manual Writing Chinese Characters [Book]

One of the aspects that has seduced me of Chinese culture is your writing, given its graph. One of the most distinctive features of Chinese culture is its writing system, logográfico source, similar in this respect to Mayan and Egyptian systems. Chinese writing consists of thousands of symbols, called… (leer más)