Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categories Science

Recursive Fractals: Koch Curve [JAVA]


We have seen a first program called “DrawWorld” we introduced the JAVA programming oriented graphics. This module has served on the program to see a recursive fractal primer: The triangle Sierpisnki.

Let's change this basic program to generate a new basic recursive fractal: Kuch curve.

Representation systems : Projections [ Descriptive geometry ]


The so-called representation systems encompasses a set of techniques and projection models for viewing items in a three dimensional space on a two dimensional plane.

Each of the systems provides a number of advantages that make it particularly useful in certain applications. So, systems that are included in the set of perspectives, are especially useful to give a simple three-dimensional view of the object. Cylindrical nature systems facilitate operations orthogonal measure to reduce them to obtain Pythagorean triangles (rectangles), models while central conical or approximate how the human eye works.

Neurons [ Imagen ] [ Wallpaper ]


Un nuevo wallpaper en la categoría de neurociencia, inspirado en el concepto de bosque de neuronas.

La imagen ha sido realizada con Blender a partir de un único modelo de neurona que ha sido repetido y que se refleja sobre una esfera que envuelve la escena.

New mapping of Io ( Jupiter )

luna io en 3D

A group of scientists led by Arizona State University (U.S.) has created the first geological map of the entire surface of the moon Io.

The satellite of Jupiter discovered by Galileo in January 1610, and have had to spend 400 years to be mapped with great accuracy and detail its relief and its more than 400 volcanoes. (Animated Gif)

Whodunnit? Test percepción


These days I'm doing a scientific experiment about perception; a colleague has sent me this video that shows that sometimes (mostly) not find what you are looking for but can not have it in front.

A funny video that makes us perceive clearly how difficult it is to appreciate our surroundings in detail.

Mapas de normales : bump mapping : Mapeado topológico


In computer animation the number of surfaces in the scene greatly influences the time of computation (rendering) de la SMA.

A technique for simulating on a flat surface roughness is called “Bump mapping”; comprises applying a texture to the surface to modify the direction of the normal to the same, influencing the calculation of shading algorithms (Shading) applied during image rendering, without changing the topology.

Brain III : Brain – toon [ Imagen ][ Wallpaper ]


A new rendering of the 3D model of the brain made with Blender animation software.
En este caso se han definido superficies transparentes y se ha utilizado un shader (render) clásico de los dibujos animados (Toon) que utiliza una rampa de colores para diferenciar claramente las zonas con sombra de las zonas claras o con brillo.

Metric geometry : Angles on the circumference : Central and inscribed


In metric geometry measuring two concepts on which is based its axiomatic model: measures linear and angular measurements.
The linear measurement is based on the Pythagorean theorem and the relationship between these measures in Thales.
The angular measurement from the relations expressed in a circle and with the above can describe the magnitude of geometric figures.

Geometría proyectiva: Ordered triples of elements


The items ordered triples of metric geometry is based on the well-known theorem of Pythagoras. All theorems are deduced from the concept of measurement that is derived from the right triangles. Analogous, projective geometry is based on another important theorem, el teorema de Thales, que en lugar de un concepto… (leer más)

The Celestia Motherlode : Repositorio para simulación 3D del espacio


La actual constelación de satélites científicos que se encuentran en órbita permiten obtener diferentes imágenes con variados datos de nuestro planeta y otros cuerpos del Sistema Solar. Estos datos se proyectan sobre las imágenes de la topografía del planeta y sirven para numerosos estudios en campos muy variados de la ciencia. One of the repositories that have been imaged for different jobs is “The Celestia Motherlode”, allowing download in various resolutions.