Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Categories Science

SmartInversion : Kaleidocycle flying robot


SmartInversion es un ingenio, Festo company, able to pull in the air due to a movement called inversion in which a band formed by articulated light polyhedra, helium-filled, rotate about themselves. This constant movement, rhythmical button, is the one that gives the drive in the middle.

Geometric transformations : Correlations Vs homographies


Geometric transformations can be understood as a set of geometric operations that create a new figure from a previously given, invariants and properties obtained in these. The new figure is called “homologous” or correlative of the original depending on the nature of the transformation of its basic elements.

Metric geometry : Concepto de “Potencia de un punto respecto de una circunferencia”

Potencia de un punto respecto de una circunferencia

El concepto de potencia de un punto respecto de una circunferencia permite relacionar las nociones estudiadas en los teorema de Thales y Pitágoras y es la puerta para el estudio de los problemas de tangencias y transformaciones como la inversión.
We will use the concepts of able to arch over a segment on our shows, what is suggested by his review.
This concept is based on the product of two segment and, as discussed, It allows to determine geometrical places of great importance as for example the radical axis of two circles.

Test geometry and technical drawing


One way to measure our level of training in a particular subject is to conduct a self-assessment test.

In the case of the teaching of geometry or technical drawing no generalized models for this task.

This page shows a Java applet that can be used to measure our level of graphic expression in subjects (Drawing) baccalaureate level or first-year engineering schools.

Oxygen [ Animation ] [ Education ]


An interesting animation work, del Ringling College of Art + Design, which can be seen teaching uses image synthesis for education.
In this case a friendly oxygen atom pair is not easily due to its properties when combined with other elements is encouraged.
A fun way to learn and memorize complex aspects of chemical, developed with great imagination.

Representation systems : Incidence (Intersections) [ Descriptive geometry ]

line and plane intersection

Incidence problems trying to identify common elements of two geometric figures; can be defined as special cases of belonging.

Starting from the line and plane elements, We can apply the concepts of duality to analyze the possible problems that may occur.

Human Connectome Project


The project “Human Connectome Project” is designed to investigate human brain connectivity, namely, how to connect different brain areas forming the circuits that make us feel and reason.

One goal is to draw an atlas of brain connections, allowing desarrolo and analyze their performance.

Trip inside a fractal

mandelbrot set

A journey into one of the most studied and known fractal called the Mandelbrot set in honor of Benoit Mandelbrot, father of fractal geometry. The video has been made for projection in a planetarium, rendering each frame individually. 7 meses de trabajo para un zoom que nos sumerge en… (leer más)

Scale of the Universe (interactive)


In NASA pages every day we can find a picture of astronomy, some of great beauty and other, no less gripping, educational character marking.

Last 12 March 2012, published an interactive Flash application that allows you to appreciate the different orders of magnitude of our universe. From the tiniest on a scale in which the atoms are enormous, to the most massive of our universe, where the biggest stars are simple points of light.