Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Sucesos

Happy Mother's Day


The Mother's Day or Mother's Day is a holiday celebrated in honor of mothers. It is celebrated at different times of the year depending on the country: in Spain, nowadays, held the first Sunday of the month of may. The modern mother's day was created by Julia Ward Howe, in 1870, originalmente… (leer más)

Spanish Reverence for the people of Japan


Today I saw a human initiative blog that I found extraordinary, a tribute to the Japanese people as a video, with an action of their own culture: A bow. El gran valor simbólico de esta acción, I will surprised, is by its beauty, ya que es uno de los símbolos de… (leer más)

Japan pixelated images


These days our retinas have been impressed with the images of the earthquake suffered by Japan, and desolation that caused the tsunami that was generated on its shores. He prepared, with the flag of Japan, an image type “mosaic” with 150 Photographs of these days which passed across the network, as… (leer más)

The flag of Japan is radioactive [Animated GIF]

After the tsunami, Japan faces serious logistical problems to repair their infrastructure and ensure supply to the population. These logical challenges in a natural disaster is also the risk of radioactive contamination, as a result of accidents suffered by their nuclear reactors. I leave a picture, Animated GIF,… (leer más)

Japón: El imperio del sol naciente


Japón (日本 Nihon o Nippon, oficialmente 日本国 Nihon-koku o Nippon-koku, ‘Estado de Japón’; significado literal: ‘el país del origen del sol’) Nippon-koku ▶?/i, es un país insular del este de Asia. Está ubicado entre el océano Pacífico y el mar del Japón, al este de China, Rusia y la península de Corea. (W) Animation made with Sqirlz Water Reflections Terremoto and tsunami in Japan 2011… (leer más)

Animación Tsunamis: Chile Vs Japan

Two animations made by numerical simulation in which we can see the spread of the energy released by the earthquake measuring 8,8 and the Tsunami generated after the earthquakes in Chile and Japan. A model that makes a forecast of the advance of the front of waves generated in the Pacific Ocean, and that allows us to observe… (leer más)

Calendar 2011 International Year of Forests

Ecologists in Action has a page where we have the most important days 2011 with events or events that are planned for the International Year of Forests. In addition to the dates cited, We offer a beautiful calendar that you can download in PDF format to print download. Between the dates that… (leer más)

L37R45 3N 3L 54H4R4 # letrasenelsahara [Marathon][Imagen]

L37R45 3N 3L 54H4R4 #letrasenelsahara Una propuesta de @costampla “Marathon” to support the initiative of @ jsanz “#letraseneldesierto” has triggered a storm that has populated desert lyrics, twitter has been abuzz with phrases poetry to be found “in the rough” in the order that has been lashing the TL. The initiative, que ha… (leer más)

#letrasenelsahara [1] [Imagen]

logotipo #letrasenelsahara

Javier Sanz nos presenta con “Letters in the Sahara, born on the network and leads to the desert” una iniciativa de colaboración con el proyecto Bubisher (a mobile library for refugee camps). Books are needed to cover the project, financiación para los gastos de envío hasta los campamentos y para su último proyecto “Biblioteca Pública… (leer más)

A year ago Are we interested earthquake Haiti?

One year ago in Haiti earthquake. I remember I lived glued to the computer looking for information that would publish sparingly in the first moments of the event. We have provided only a small part of what we promised the countries most likely. Hoy veo la gráfica de tendencias del segregador y… (leer más)

61/193. International Year of Forests (2011)

Estrenamos un año nuevo. The resolution A/RES/61/193 of the UN General Assembly declares 2011 “International año de los Bosques” El valor de los Bosques but su papel en la del ecosistema CONSERVACION sugiere explotación nuevos modelos de que el equilibrio natural mantengan del ENTORNO. “Reconociendo que los bosques y su ordenación sostenible pueden… (leer más)