Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Sucesos

8 October [IV]

Una nueva imagen para recordar el evento CONVIVENCIA, en este caso una nueva llamada: “VEN”. “VENa participar, aporta tu particular forma de ver la convivencia, su sentido, its projection. “La verdad no es mi verdad, es la suma de la de todosTienes más imágenes que puedes utilizar en “Coexistence Initiative“

8 October [II]

Quedan 8 días para que, entre todos, hablemos de la CONVIVENCIA. Durante los próximos días recordaremos esta causa con imágenes que pueden servir para animarnos a participar o, simply, como expresión artística de un acontecimiento. Quedan 8 días para tener un motivo de CONVIVENCIA. Te esperamos.

8 October

There are few days to an event in which you can participate. The 8 October, an initiative called “LIVING” promoted by Senovilla and Artecar24, He encourages us to write about the concept that serves as title to this initiative: “The coexistence”. It is an action that can mobilize hundreds of people and give us a sense of group,… (leer más)

In Memoriam: Jose Antonio Labordeta

Jose Antonio Labordeta A tribute with pictures collected from the internet to a great person, independent, good and defender of freedom. A walk through memory. Song of Freedom (Labordeta) Blog de José Antonio Labordeta José Antonio Labordeta (Wikipedia) Dies José Antonio Labordeta following an long used José Antonio Labordeta died in Zaragoza… (leer más)

All With Guatemala

All are with Guatemala, and our friend RC reminds us that need our help and solidarity. On his blog you can see first hand the situation in the country. Animo Guatemala! Guatemala, un país con esperanza Capsulas de información Generosidad LOS FAMOSOS AGUJEROS DE LA ZONA 6 (2007) AND AREA 2 (2010) VICTIMS!…MANY HANDS WORK FOR GUATEMALA… (leer más)

MovieMaker and duration of a still image.

Con MovieMaker se puede realizar una secuencia que nos presente de forma automática nuestras fotos (in the form of video al we can add music to comments).

By default, the duration of each image is 5 seconds, but you can change this interval to speed them up or slow presentation cadence. This is especially useful when we want to make a video from images chained, namely, a sequence taken as a “burst” photos or computer-generated.

Earthquakes on Earth: Earthquake activity in Jan-Apr 2010 [Video animation]

Seismic activity on the planet between the 1 January and 9 April 2010 Source of images: Animated files are available that cover longer time periods. Far Relacionados Terremotos (page with the latest developments) Terremotos : Variation of seismic activity: 20 years 15 segundos Terremoto en… (leer más)

Earthquakes on Earth: Earthquake activity in 2010 [Video animation]

Seismic activity on the planet between the 1 January and 5 March 2010 Updated January-April Source of images: Animated files are available that cover longer time periods. Far Relacionados Terremotos : Variation of seismic activity: 20 years 15 segundos Terremoto en Chile : Primeros momentos… (leer más)

Earthquake in Chile : First time on the net

Bandera Chile

Collection of links about the Earthquake in Chile and possible Tsunami, updated throughout the day. Extended to the valuation by the media and the new produced from Sunday news 28 February. Chile(Wikipedia) Imágenes wikipedia LISTA DE LUGARES DONDE COMPRAR PROVISIONES Mapa colaborativo de Comercio LISTA DE LUGARES DONDE COMPRAR PROVISIONES Establecimientos comerciales… (leer más)