Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Categories Technology

Projection mapping sobre objetos


Although initially technique “Projection mapping” has been done on buildings, is applicable to any type of soporte.Como curious example, We can see this projection on a tennis shoe used to publicize the brand, although we can intuit some applications such as color choice or stamped on some models of consumption of different products.

Lytro cameras : A new concept in photography : Field lighting


While camera manufacturers engaged in war walk of the pixels, How many pixels will the next models?, otras compañias empiezan a revolucionar el mundo de la fotografía con un nuevo concepto de captura de imagen. Classically, al realizar una instantánea, la imagen se proyecta sobre un plano de proyección que se situa… (leer más)

Pieces of Drafting [47] [Normalization] [Education]


A new exercise normalized representation of a mechanical part in 3D technical drawing, based on a cylindrical body which has been partially machined. It has two main planes of symmetry that should be used to guide the workpiece on projection planes. Descargar Fichero PDF 3D La vista principal puede ser… (leer más)

Eyes on the Solar System : Visor de misiones de la NASA

eyes NASA

NASA has made available to the public in general a 3D environment that allows us to explore the cosmos from our computer with actual data of their missions. El software se denomina “Eyes on Solar System” and is accessible from the official NASA pages. Immerse yourself with your sight in our Solar system and… (leer más)

Pieces of Drafting [46] [Normalization] [Education]

pieza dibujo técnico 46

A complex exercise that allows us to practice the standard representation of a mechanical part in 3D technical drawing. Tenemos en este objeto una placa rectangular con dos formas cilíndricas huecas unidas interiormente. Descargar Fichero PDF 3D El plano principal de simetría puede ser usado para determinar una sección que posibilite ver el interior… (leer más)

Mechanisms singular : Gears [ Gears ]

I engranaje_cubo

Our world is ruled by mechanical gears that rotate continuously. The intrinsic rotation concept has led to the concept of circular patterns (Cylindrical) the basis of traditional. A unique set of gears are the ingenuity of its creators, taking another step in this complex world of mechanical…. (leer más)

Pieces of Drafting [45] [Normalization] [Education]

Pieza dibujo técnico 3d 45

A new exercise that allows us to practice the standard representation of a mechanical part in 3D. In this case the element is of revolution and has a central groove prevents rotation (force or severally) by a cotter pin to a piece of rectangular or square section that is inserted is called… (leer más)

Pieces of Drafting [44] [Normalization] [Education]


A new exercise that allows us to practice the standard representation of a mechanical part in 3D. In this case the element is a T-shaped pipe with connecting flanges for installation “piping” The main plane of symmetry can be used to identify a section which enables to see the interior… (leer más)

3D Reconstruction of Flight 1549 de US Airways: Splashdown in the Hudson River


The Flight 1549 U.S. Airways has gone down in history for having amerizado aviation in the Hudson River without loss of life. A flock of birds fire their engines a few minutes after takeoff, in rapid ascent of the apparatus.

The skill of the pilot can be seen in this 3D reconstruction to which have been added the original audio channels.

Fabrication Technology: Drill square holes

Drill square holes

We've all seen on occasion how to make a drill (hole) Round through the circular motion of a tool for drilling (a drill) a machine coupled (borer).

The evolution of these tools has led to develop systems capable of drilling in polygonal. One of the most surprising may be the square type, by the paradox that generates circular motion thus.