Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Software Categories

Geometry : Variational geometry educational software


The study of the geometry has been done conventionally constructed figures composed of lines and circles which are related by geometrical concepts. These figures are obtained from a particular position in the data of a problem and the aim is to superimpose a set of constructs for determining the solution thereof. Without… (leer más)

Art and Geometry [ School ] [ Blogs experimental ]


The group “Geometry Hicks” gave us an article which mixes art, bases architecture and geometry prospects.

A clear example in which add the beauty of these disciplines that go hand in hand in most cases, providing the most enriching of each.

The question that would be no geometry art, but also if it is not geoemetría an art in itself.

Metric geometry : Pythagorean Theorem


The metric geometry is based on the well-known theorem of Pythagoras, to set the metric relationship between the sides of a right triangle.
The concept of the Euclidean space as it adopts in its definition of distance, and geometric relations derived are paramount.

Ellipses and Parables around us [School]


A recurring job type blogs that have developed my students has been the search for and identification of the geometry in all aspects of their daily life, realizing the significance of it.

Conic curves studied in metric geometry section have a high interest in aeronautical engineering studies, and that help describe the trajectories of the bodies under the laws of gravity. Sin embargo, as clearly excel in their jobs, are not the only field of application. The short article that follows, performed by the student group calling itself “The Maze Angle” is a sample of these concerns in relation to the everyday.

3D Animation, Objects: Edit Vertices [Blogs experimental] [ Blender ]

Edit a geometric model by transforming the position of the vertices, is a routine task in the process of creating objects for animation.

A complex object is obtained from a simple object by adding and removing vertices, well as their spatial displacement.

It should start editing simple elements, gradually increasing complexity.

A training on simple objects can absorb the potential for manipulation of these elements, facilitating learning to use, later, to apply them to more complex models.

The Degrees of Freedom and Constraints [School]

degree of freedom

One of the first concepts we address in the geometry classes is to restrictions and degrees of freedom of a geometric figure. It allows us to quantify the complexity of it and the possible way for determining geometric problems. Mis alumnos han interiorizado este concepto y en sus blogs es un… (leer más)

Spirals [School]


The geometry is shown in the elements of nature. Everyday forms can be described in simple geometric graphical models. We live by both the geometry on a daily basis without giving too much attention.
My students have reflected on this and we have presented some examples of their work, like this short article you are looking spirals in our environment

Geometry in Nature: Regular pentagon [Oleander]


The pentagons are five-sided polygonal shapes. In case be regular, the length of these is the same for all of them. The pentagon has five vertices, and in the case of regular we differentiate between “convex” y los estrellados. Un pentágono regular es aquél que tiene todos sus lados iguales y… (leer más)