Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categories Wallpapers

Wallpaper: Christmas 2011 (II) : Glass balls [ Imagen 1280×1024 ]


A simple wallpaper for use in the upcoming Christmas season and decorate your computer.

In this case the image shows a carved glass spheres conjuntode with reflective properties and transparency. A composition modeled and rendered with Blender animation software. (View Christmas Tinsel)

Tie tinsel and balls with transparent background to decorate the banner of the blog


Christmas is coming, and some think of decorating with Christmas blog. On this page you can find different images of the same motif that differ in the color of the illumination, with Christmas tinsel loop and three colored balls that can be used to overlay the banner of the blog.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2011 (II) : Tinsel and bright balls [Imagen 1280×1024]


A new wallpaper to use in the upcoming Christmas season and decorate your computer, made from the same scene in Blender we used for the above image: Tinsel and balls.

We performed a zoom to center the pattern on one of the christmas balls, obtaining a more homogeneous color distribution.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2011 (I) : Tinsel and balls [Imagen 1280×1024]


A wallpaper made for use in the upcoming Christmas season and decorate your computer. In this case the image shows a bright tinsel (silver) surrounded by three spheres faceteadas with reflection effect. A composition modeled and rendered with Blender animation software. (View Christmas Tinsel)

Christmas Wallpaper (XXIX) [School] [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

Samuel Fernandez

Fondo de escritorio (postal) de Navidad en 741 x 592 made with Blender animation software. Work done by students of the subject of “Gráficos por ordenador” Samuel Fernandez Para ver en detalle la imagen, pulsar sobre la misma. Christmas scene with simulated aircraft with fur tree for christmas, coronado con texto de… (leer más)

Ya es Navidad!

Christmas tree

Ya es Navidad y desde este blog deseo felicitar a todos los que en algún momento os habéis entretenido con su contenido. Un contenido que refleja mi pasión por la imagen en todas sus técnicas y formatos. Esta noche de transición a la Navidad es para muchos una etapa simbólica de la liturgia, para otros… (leer más)

Christmas Wallpaper (XXVIII) [School] [Blogs experimental] [Blender]


Fondo de escritorio (postal) de Navidad en 1280 x 1024 made with Blender animation software. Work done by the student of the subject of “Gráficos por ordenador” Irene Jimenez Para ver en detalle la imagen, pulsar sobre la misma. Christmas scene with Christmas trees and tinsel, Coronado with congratulatory text.

Christmas Wallpaper (XXVII) [School] [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

Marta Gozalo Moreno

Fondo de escritorio (postal) de Navidad en 800 x 600 made with Blender animation software. Work done by the student of the subject of “Gráficos por ordenador” Marta Gonzalo Moreno Para ver en detalle la imagen, pulsar sobre la misma. Christmas scene with Christmas trees and tinsel, coronado con una estrella.

Christmas Wallpaper (XXVI) [School] [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

huesa river javier

Fondo de escritorio (postal) de Navidad en 1280 x 1024 made with Blender animation software. Work done by students of the subject of “Gráficos por ordenador” Javier del Rio Huesa Para ver en detalle la imagen, pulsar sobre la misma. Escena navideña con árboles y muñeco de nieve.