Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Software Categories

3D Animation, windows interface [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]

In the previous article, 3D Animation, introduction to the interface, we began exploring the interface. Hemos visto varios ejemplos sencillos que nos empiezan a mostrar la capacidad de producción que nos facilita el programa Blender.Continuamos la introducción a esta potente herramienta de animación 3D viendo cómo podemos modificar el sistema de ventanas para adaptarlo a nuestra forma… (leer más)

3D Animation, introduction to the interface [ Experimental Blogs ] [ Blender ]

In the last article we showed some of the capabilities of Blender as a tool for animation production. In this new installment began to explore the software to learn how to use. The first thing to do is to understand the “UI” for how to structure the screen and what has built the application menus…. (leer más)

3D Animation and Character Animation Software: Blender

Until recently edited a short 3D animation was something that was only available to large industries of animation. Currently available domestically in sufficient processing capacity to make small animations author. A GNU tool which allows 3D animation is “Blender”, a… (leer más)