In the previous article, 3D Animation, introduction to the interface, we began exploring the interface. We have seen several examples simple we begin to show the production capacity Blender.Continuamos program gives us the introduction to this powerful tool for 3D animation seeing how we can modify the windows system to suit our way of working.
After installing the software and begin to manipulate the display space, we propose to modify the windows system. You have to feel comfortable with the work environment, know in detail for easy editing scenes.
We begin with a brief theoretical description to close the session with a simple but instructive example in a video.
We have seen that by combiuación keyboard and mouse you can change the point of view of our scene in Blender screen. Working with Blender means being “with one hand on the keyboard and one mouse“. The keyboard integrates an efficient management of the program, streamlining editing objects and generally all operations.
Remember that pressing a key and a mouse button simultaneously display space is handled:
- Ctrl Alt left mouse button lets make a change of scale or “zoom” Window.
- Alt Shift(Uppercase)+left button allows a displacement or “bread” displayed in the screen space.
When you start the program presents us the default screen where we see different areas of work: Menus Support, graphic areas, windows with buttons…
The central zone, widest, presents the elements of the original scene; we find several objects: seen a front hub, color axes, a point of light and camera that will capture our scene when rendering do the same:
We can start practicing with keystrokes and mouse above to learn how to move and climb this window, and change the viewing perspective by rotating the entire scene.
To divide the display space, We can move the cursor to the top of the window and press the right mouse button. A pop-up menu offers the possibility to perform this operation.
Selecting “Split Area“, a line appears and fix it by pressing the left mouse button space is divided appearing a new view of the scene; an identical copy to previous.
We can repeat this for dividing up progressively provide the number and distribution of workspaces that need; for example we can work with a front view, another perspective from above and from a distance.
We note that each new window has an associated menu, located at the bottom. This menu changes depending on the objects we have selected and we are performing operations.
Selecting with the mouse “View”, access a submenu to configure the display.
The windows we have generated active option “Top“, namely, we are looking down from above the object.
Selecting “Front” Opposite miraremos, while selecting “Side” we will do from one side. Of “front” and “Profile”. Along with the different options, keyboard key that makes each function is shown.
To select “Front” as a mode of vision in the window that it activates for example, You can use the “1” Keypad.
After setting up our windows, We can save this new distribution for other occasions. At the top we found the blender main menu.
In the drop-down, clicking on the arrows “SR” select “ADD NEW“, that we will display a new dialog box.
If you select the option “Duplicate“, perform an identical copy to the distribution of windows we created.
Selecting the name associated with the new window group, have the ability to change.
We will add a new element to the scene, such as a cylinder. For this, we place the mouse cursor over one of the windows key and press the spacebar (Feeding the spaces in texts).
A set of cascading popup menus are displayed. We select “Add” indicating we want “add” and then a new submenu will be displayed.
Selecting “Mesh” indicate that we want to add a grid of points and surfaces. A new menu appears and lets you select the object to add: “Cylinder“.
Whenever indicated we want to add a specific object displays a “property sheet” where we indicate the number of vertices, Element size etc.. This sheet is different for each type of object.
Our exercise is to change to adapt to our liking all windows, Adding new elements to the scene and move its position to place them as we see fit. It is a free exercise to learn how to manipulate space and objects simply.
Tutorial made for version 2.49b
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