Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Drawing with water : Diffusion in ink

dibujo_tinta An interesting drawing technique carried out with water and ink which is based on the concept diffusion (we study in physics) whereby, molecules of two liquids are mixed.

This technique is drawing employed by Emmanuel Guibert, cartoonist and writer comics, for creating a magnificent graphic novel ALAN’S WAR.

“When I was eighteen, Uncle Sam told me he’d like me to put on a uniform and go off to fight a guy by the name of Adolf. So I did.”

alans_warEmmanuel Guibert premiered on Cartoon with Brown, a harsh review of the rise of Nazism in Germany, published in 1992.

The comics in question recount memories of war Alan Ingram Cope, who was recruited by the United States to go to World War II (E critiKrator)

The diffusion (also molecular diffusion) es un physical process irreversible, in which particles materials are introduced into a medium that was originally absent, increasing entropy whole system consists of particles spread or solute and the environment where they spread or thinner(W)

The physical principle of diffusion can be seen through a simple experiment of dropping a drop of ink on a container with liquid. If the liquid is hot will occur faster, as we see in the video below.

When performing the mixing of two fluids, molecules one diffuses in all other liquid molecules to much lower speed, in which gases not happen. Yes we want to see the spread of two liquids, can be observed by dropping a small amount of ink (china) in a little water. Because the molecules in the two liquids are close, each molecule carries a wealth of shock before leaving, can be said that million crashes. The average distance is generated in collisions is called mean free path and, in gases is greater than in liquids, should be noted that this happens when the molecules are sufficiently separated. Despite what is mentioned above there are constant interruptions in their molecular pathways, so that liquids are spread much more slowly than gases.(Liquid properties)

Finally, another curious experiment in which we see the blend of colors that occurs when using different liquids.
