Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

El plugin “ Popular Posts” ahora con “Thumbnails”

topPost_ThumbnailEntre los widgets que pueden completar nuestro blog se encuentra “ Popular Posts”, con el que podemos mostrar aquellas entradas que tienen más tráfico.
Since version 2.6.0 supports incorporate an image “Thumbnail” associated with each of the entries shows popular. We can also accompany a brief summary of the input and the number of visits.

This version can therefore set up a page summary of the most interesting for the visitors of the blog, with a graphic appearance similar to that of any blog page.

Como ejemplo, I added a the blog page summarizes the most visited.


Posts most visited page

A very interesting update, although discharge load pages added “thumbnails”, certainly improve the appearance and functionality of this popular plugin.
Configuration, versatile, is quite simple and can be found in the Web Plugin.