Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías wordpress

Widget regional elections 2012. Galicia and the Basque Country


The newspaper El Pais offers a Widget regional elections to follow our blog.

The widget is inserted by a script with HTML code and lets you interact on a graph to display the results in real time, contrasting with previous elections.

This widget has been installed on this page from which you can follow so the scrutiny.

Revolver Maps : estadísticas de visitas en blogs de forma visual

Revolver Maps

De forma similar a Pulsemap, Revolver Maps es una herramienta visual que nos da información en tiempo real del número y procedencia de las visitas al blog.

Se instala facilmente a partir de las páginas oficiales de Revolver Maps.

Las visitas que se encuentran activas (conectadas con el blog) son visualmente identificadas con un destello sobre el mapa, creando una curiosa sensación de dinamismo.

El plugin “ Popular Posts” ahora con “Thumbnails”


Entre los widgets que pueden completar nuestro blog se encuentra “ Popular Posts”, con el que podemos mostrar aquellas entradas que tienen más tráfico.
Since version 2.6.0 supports incorporate an image “Thumbnail” associated with each of the entries shows popular. We can also accompany a brief summary of the input and the number of visits.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2011 (III) : Snowflake [ Imagen 1280×1024 ]

copo de nieve thumb

The Christmas period is associated with snow. White Landscapes, flooded smooth and soft snowflakes or ice crystals bright.

A wallpaper speckled with stars, with a symmetrical hexagonal structure can remember the shape of a snowflake to be seen under a microscope.

Wallpaper: Christmas 2011 (II) : Glass balls [ Imagen 1280×1024 ]


A simple wallpaper for use in the upcoming Christmas season and decorate your computer.

In this case the image shows a carved glass spheres conjuntode with reflective properties and transparency. A composition modeled and rendered with Blender animation software. (View Christmas Tinsel)

Pulsemap: Plugin visitor statistics in WordPress blogs and websites

pulsemap thumb

Pulsemap is a visual plugin for WordPress that gives us real-time information on the number and origin of visitors to the blog. Pulsemap versions available to install on any web page. En WordPress añade se como en los Widget Menus laterales o del pie del blog. The plugin can be configured with different… (leer más)

WPTouch: Plugin for mobile versions of WordPress blogs


When designing our blog we should be aware that our visitors can use mobile devices with limited experience on desktops. El ancho de banda necesario para las imágenes puede suponer un obstáculo a la hora de navegar fluidamente desde estos dispositivos cada vez mas usados. Las aplicaciones educativas… (leer más)

San Auto Thumbs : Visual Plugin for WordPress

I always like to include a first image entries that describe the content of the same, also define as “Featured image” in editing the post with WordPress. Esters of I facility Imagen de forma en el Lado preferente izqierdo, en the Primera Linea de texto, I rve y para of al introducción post. La plantilla (tema)… (leer más)