Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Archivo de mayo 2012

Visualization of proteins with Blender [ Wallpaper hemoglobin ]


La última compilación del software de modelado y animación Blender incorpora entre sus mejoras un lector (parser) files in PDB format.

This format is used to exchange data scientist atomic structures, in particular to the description of proteins.

Cycles : The new renderer in Blender : Introduction


Cycles is a new Render Engine for Blender, developed by Brecht van Lommel working for the Blender Foundation.

It is integrated into the user interface from version 2.5, although initially was developped as a “Addon” (added plugin).

The goal of Cycles is to replace the internal rendering engine in the next Blender 2 years old, allowing real time feedback to the designer through the use of the GPU hardware calculation as, instead of the traditional CPU. Veremos cómo seleccionar cycles como motor blender