Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Evolving work

Screenshot 2012-12-26 to(s) 12.55.41

During the teaching-learning process that occurs in the courses I teach at the university ground propose different jobs that are oriented according to the educational objectives that apply at all times.

The way to motivate students with these works a significant impact on their academic performance, so that combining different strategies allows for optimum results.

Overall I like teaching base long-term projects that serve, fundamentally, for students to maintain a constant exploratory attitude to the subject; Every aspect or concept being taught can ask the same questions:

  • Would I used for my project?
  • How do I adapt?

This year we are publishing some of the work being done with Blender, in the subject “Animation for ordenador”. These papers are used in classes as analysis models, group discussing their progress, successes, errors and difficulties in implementation. Your blog post especially encourages them.

One of the topics proposed for the work has been “Christmas”, including the performance of a Christmas card wallpaper format.

Periodically they will deliver images to see what state of development are. Often, once generated an image, is that the pide, free form, incorporate content based on the latest improvements that have shown them.

This improvement process positively affects their training, remain a key educational tool for formative excellence.

Mario González Sardonil We illustrated with images of his creative process became Navideña, which began with a curious scenario based on type landscape plans “Cartoon” (cartoon)

Basic scenario

Basic scenario

Improvements in the first phase of refinement have been to use a particle system to simulate snow and introduce a background with an image. Another aspect is the aesthetic change introduced by changing the shape of the tree, gives greater depth to set the difference image planes.

Improved Scenario

Improved Scenario

The incorporation of the character to the scene humanizes providing one of the essences of computer animation.

Scenario Character

Scenario Character

The final work incorporates elements of the Christmas Card (text) and decorative (balls and tree texture), addition to completing the space with a new character (pairs of characters) and a touch of humor (Hat on the floor).

Work delivered

Work delivered

We see how they evolve their jobs worked in classes incorporating elements, that enhance and strengthen the whole symbolism of the images on a maturational process high educational interest.

Course work 2012