Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Trabajos

Evolving work

During the teaching-learning process that occurs in the courses I teach at the university ground propose different jobs that are oriented according to the educational objectives that apply at all times.

The way to motivate students with these works a significant impact on their academic performance, so that combining different strategies allows for optimum results.

Overall I like teaching base long-term projects that serve, fundamentally, for students to maintain a constant exploratory attitude to the subject; Every aspect or concept being taught can ask the same questions:

Would I used for my project?
How do I adapt?

Augmented Reality : Mechanical Future


How can be the operation and maintenance manuals in the future? We are building engineers who teach graphic techniques of representing information. Undoubtedly, part of this education should have a formative, while another should provide information.