Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Christmas tree with a Purkinje cell

neurona_navidad_Thumb copia 2Las células de Purkinje son un tipo de neurona que se encuentran en la corteza cerebelosa, en la base del cerebro. They have numerous spines on their dendrites that form a highly branched tree.

They are high value anatomical. The attached image shows a cell obtained in the base de datos Neuromorpho (sitio web de Neuromorpho)

Every year soil make a Christmas card with a plea based on software development for research in the field of neuroscience. This year is a tree formed from Blender 3D restitution in a Purkinje cell.

La forma ramificada permitecolgarunas bolas navideñas que completan el motivo.

Pulsando sobre la imagen se puede obtener en formato wallpaper (HR 1.440 x 1080) to be used as fondo de escritorio.
