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Projective Geometry: Autopolares triangles in Involutions in second-order series

Connecting four points of a conical proyectivamente by Involutions we determine the axis of involution of these proyectividades.

Given the four points needed to define an involution, We can ask many different Involutions can establish between them.

Projective Geometry: Full Cuadrivertice

One of the most used in projective geometry geometric figures is the of the “Full Cuadrivertice”, or its dual “Full ring”.

Generally, a cuadrivertice is formed by four points, so on the plane this figure has 8 degree of freedom (2 coordinates for each vertex) and they will be needed 8 restrictions to determine one concrete.

The false position method. Application of overlapping series of second order.

The theoretical models of projective geometry can be proposing problems that are not of direct application. We will have that “dress up” therefore exercises to infer in the student further analysis and a transverse treatment of knowledge: Can I apply what they learn to solve this problem?.
After analyzing in detail the operations with overlapping series of second order, Let's see an example of application which does not consist in obtaining new tangents or points of contact of a conical.

Geometría proyectiva: Involution in overlapping series of second order : Axis of involution

Involutionary transformations are applications bijective of great interest to be applied in geometric constructions, since they simplify them considerably.

We will see how defined an involution in second-order series, with base a conical, Comparing the new model of transformation with overlapping series of second order previously studied.

What is an involution in geometry?

In geometry, we speak often with terms that, in some cases, they are not sufficiently important in everyday language. This leads to create barriers in the interpretation of some simple concepts.

One of the terms that I have been asked several times in class is the of “Involution”. We define the involution.

What is an involution?

Geometría proyectiva: Application of second-order overlapping beams

You do projective concepts that we have developed to studying overlapping of second order, whose base is a conical, They allow to solve problems of determination of points of contact in the tangents of a Conic defined by five tangent or five restrictions through the combination of tangent and their respective tangent points. We will see the implementation of Brianchon point in this type of problems

Geometría proyectiva: Application of overlapping series of second order

The projective concepts that we have developed to study the overlapping series of second order, whose base is a conical, They allow to solve problems of determination of tangent points of a Conic defined by five points or five restrictions through the combination of points and tangents with their respective points of tangency.

Metric geometry: Loci. Arco able : Problema II Solución

Vamos a resolver un sencillo problema planteado anteriormente en el que deberemos determinar un lugar geométrico básico para la determinación de su solución, un problema en el que hay que encontrar un punto del plano que cumpla unas condiciones geométricas dadas.

La intersección de dos lugares geométricos planos nos determinará un número finito de puntos que serán las posibles soluciones del problema.

Metric geometry: Loci. Arco able : Problema II

Las técnicas de solución de problemas basadas en la intersección de lugares geométricas se suelen asociar a problemas sencillos de la geometría clásica.

En estos casos es el planteamiento de la solución lo que entraña la mayor complejidad, ya que los lugares geométricos derivados suelen ser elementos geométricos sencillos.
Determinar un punto P desde el que se observe bajo el mismo ángulo a los tres lados de un triángulo ABC.

Metric geometry: Loci. Solución I (Selectivity 2014 – B1)

Vamos a resolver el problema de determinar un cuadrado, cuyos vértices se encuentran sobre elementos geométricos dados.
En particular fijaremos los correspondientes a una de sus diagonales sobre una recta, otro de los vértices en una recta diferente y el cuarto vértice sobre una circunferencia.