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Categories Science

Metric geometry: Loci. Problema I (Selectivity 2014 – B1)

Los problemas básicos de geometría métrica tienen una especial belleza. Son adecuados para introducir a los alumnos en el arte del análisis en esta disciplina.

Uno de los problemas propuestos en el examen de Selectividad de Septiembre de 2014 plantea la obtención de una figura geométrica simple, un cuadrado, cuyos vértices se encuentran sobre elementos geométricos dados.

Molecular Flipbook Toolkit

Las animaciones por ordenador se usan principalmente para crear películas o cortos de animación que sirven para entretenernos. También son una poderosa herramienta que dan soporte a la publicidad en general.

Una interesante iniciativa científica se apoya en herramientas gráficas de edición tridimensional, en particular en el motor de juegos de Blender, para desarrollar una metodología de simulación y comunicación de procesos biológicos a nivel molecular.
Molecular Flipbook es una nueva herramienta “opensource” desarrollada aprovechando software libre para dotar a los científicos y educadores de una herramienta específica de animación a partir de moléculas básicas: las proteinas. Estos objetos pueden obtenerse a partir de los bancos de proteinas existentes en la actualidad.

Cómo beneficia a nuestro cerebro tocar un instrumento [ TED ]

TED es sinónimo de calidad. Sus amenas charlas nos muestran, de la mano de los mejores especialistas, la actualidad del conocimiento en sus diferentes disciplinas.
En esta ocasión se ha sustituido la charla de un orador en directo por una animación con audio en la que podemos descubrir los beneficios del aprendizaje y la interpretación musical.

Equivalent figures : Square equivalent [I]

Geometric figures can be compared with each other by reference for this comparison both its shape and its size.

Based on the different combinations that can be found in these comparisons will classify in:

Similar forms: Have the same shape but different size
Equivalent forms: They have different but equal size (Volume of the area)
Congruent shapes: Have the same shape and size (equal)
Overall, to obtain a form equivalent to another given, use an equivalent square as intermediate between two equivalent figures. Thus, first discuss how to obtain a square equivalent to a geometric figure.

Canal de YouTube : Descriptive geometry

Gervalengar YouTube user has an educational channel dedicated to the display of descriptive geometry. In his instructional videos presents descriptive geometry constructions (Representation systems) animated form, showing the spatial patterns and its projection on the planes dihedral classical discipline to address this from a purely visual level.

Introduction to the study of the hyperbolic paraboloid [ Animation ] [ Surfaces ]

paraboloid hiperbolico

The surfaces used in the engineering are different natures. Su classification based on different criteria serves to facilitate understanding and su deduce common groups ellas.
One aspect which differentiates these surfaces is the possibility of generating by straight movement along a curve, or subject to a law of generation. These include the so-called “Hyperbolic paraboloid”

Power Concepts [ Prezi ]

The concept of power is fundamental to solving problems in a structured way and generalization of tangency where angularity.
This concept, initially apply the fundamental problem of tangents, allow us to use a systematic analysis of different cases, because we can reduce the remaining exercises tangent circles to three given to a single basic problem.
In this presentation, made with Prezi, the basic ideas associated with this important concept is.

Geometría proyectiva: Determination of homologous elements in projective beams

One of the first problems we must learn to work in projective geometry is the determination of homologous elements, both in series and in bundles and in any provision of bases, or separate superimposed.

To continue the study of the methodology to be used will use the dual model the elements based on “points”, ie with straight, further assuming that the bases of the respective beams are separated relate.

Geometría proyectiva: Intersection of straight and tapered

Projective definition of the conical allowed to start solve classical problems of identification of new elements of the conical (new points and tangents in them), and find the intersection with a line or a tangent from an external point. These problems can be solved by various more or less complex methods and conceptually more or less laborious paths.

We will now see how to determine the two possible intersection points of a line with a taper defined by five points.

Geometría proyectiva: Overlapping shapes first order

Projective overlapping shapes are a special case of projective shapes, you relate elements of the same type that share a common base.

For example, two overlapping series will have the same line as the basis of geometric shapes, two beams of the same vertex straight (concentric bundles) and two beams overlapping planes around the same axis (coaxiales).

Geometría proyectiva: Circumference as a series of second order

A circle is a conical axes are of equal length, hence we can say that its eccentricity is zero (eccentricity = 0). We can treat the circle as one series of second order, obtained by the intersection of two beams of rays congruent counterparts (same but rotated.) This treatment will be useful to use as a projective tool and resolve the determination of double elements in overlapping concentric series and do.