Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Brain

Cómo beneficia a nuestro cerebro tocar un instrumento [ TED ]

TED es sinónimo de calidad. Sus amenas charlas nos muestran, de la mano de los mejores especialistas, la actualidad del conocimiento en sus diferentes disciplinas.
En esta ocasión se ha sustituido la charla de un orador en directo por una animación con audio en la que podemos descubrir los beneficios del aprendizaje y la interpretación musical.

Bosque de neuronas Freestyle [ Blender ] [ Wallpaper ]

The new version of Blender suggests a series of tests to determine the benefits of non-photorealistic rendering mode (NPR) called Freestyle.
A forest of neurons may be an organic example of interest to try to rearrange a complex image with the contours provided by this image generation method.

CLARITY allows us to obtain images of the brain: Stanford's Deisseroth Lab [Neurociencia]

Of video clips made by Karl Deisseroth y Kwanghun Chung, Stanford University.

The first shows a walk in the intact brain of a mouse, technique using a fluorescent imaging on a whole brain that previously could only be performed in a brain sectioned into thin slices.

The second sample is a 3D nature of memory in a mouse brain, o hipocampo, composed of different cell types:

Purkinje cell [ Imagen ]

Purkinje cells are a type of neuron in the cerebellar cortex in the brain stem.

They have numerous spines on their dendrites that form a highly branched tree.

They are high value anatomical. A cell obtained is presented in the database in the attached image Neuromorpho, and corresponds in particular to a rat treated in Martone laboratoio. For repreentación have used two colors that have established a color ramp that can be associated with anatomical, morphological, the dendritic tree.

Soma resin [ 3D Printer ]

Soma resin

3D printers are becoming more common in college environments, industrial and scientific. Gradually incorporate other household types to become an element of our toolboxes.

These tools allow 3D models from a data file that describes the geometry. Normally be used for parts or mechanical objects or simple rapid prototyping.

Here I present the results of using this technique to produce 3D views of the soma of a neuron, that can be used for the study neuroscientists morphologically.

We spoke with Javier DeFelipe on Innovation and Neuroscience


After the conference Innovation & Neuroscience: Innovation in science: what makes us humanosimpartida by Professor Javier DeFelipe in the BBVA Innovation Center 18 October, conducted a short interview that has been edited with images of the event.

Javier reinforces the idea of ​​the need for post-processing image recognition and chart the progress of science.

Innovation & Neuroscience: Innovation in science: what makes us human


Javier DeFelipe left us engrossed for near 80 minutes with an interesting talk, within the cycle of conferences on innovation that celebrates the BBVA.

I connect this input to keep this magical moment in which a more skilled people currently in this field, has given us some of your time with a masterful oratory.

Completion of the dendrites and axon [ image ]

Neuron visual lobe of a bumblebee

Image of a neuron, VCH-cobalt, of a bumblebee (“Blowfly”) female, situated in its visual lobe, that has been treated with visualization software to segment neuron model based on various parameters.

In this case, the neuron is colored highlighting varying the diameter of the filiform elements that compose (axon and dendrites).

Brain IV : Brain - Glossy [ Imagen ][ Wallpaper ]


A new rendering of the 3D model of the brain made with Blender animation software.
In this case we have defined material surfaces “Glossy” and has used a shader (render) with the new model called “Cycles” technique that uses a multi-pass rendering with light transport.

Human Connectome Project


The project “Human Connectome Project” is designed to investigate human brain connectivity, namely, how to connect different brain areas forming the circuits that make us feel and reason.

One goal is to draw an atlas of brain connections, allowing desarrolo and analyze their performance.

Neurons [ Imagen ] [ Wallpaper ]


Un nuevo wallpaper en la categoría de neurociencia, inspirado en el concepto de bosque de neuronas.

La imagen ha sido realizada con Blender a partir de un único modelo de neurona que ha sido repetido y que se refleja sobre una esfera que envuelve la escena.