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Graphic PIZiadas

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Categories Painting

Acrylic Goloviarte : @ Goloviarte

Vicente López left me two new works of his acrylic paint for my personal enjoyment, I share with you in this post. A few days ago spoke of “Vicente López Art with Acrylics” when I met one of your blogs. Until then regarded as something flat acrylic, casi sin texturas y… (leer más)

Goloviarte y su pintura acrílica @Goloviarte

A few days ago I received a letter with a postcard inside.

Al abrir la carta pude ver la imagen que os muestro en esta fotografía.

¿De quién es?

@ Goloviarte, or nick name by which we know on Twitter to Gregorio López Vicente, sent me a beautiful card format work on a cardboard support coming later to take to framing deserves to dress like the back of my house; is a way to share with my views the work of this unique artist.

The painting was made with acrylics and I have to say that until I received the card, had a completely different picture of the expressive possibilities of this technique.

Goloviarte: Vicente Lopez's art with acrylics

Me gusta recomendar los blogs que al visitarlos me han aportado algo nuevo, especialmente aquellos en los que la temática acaricia el mundo de la imagen. Hoy os traigo el espacio de @goloviarte, unas páginas que promociona su pintura aproximándo el arte a nuestros hogares. Artista plástico, soñador y con ganas de compartid todas mis… (leer más)