Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Simetrías

The problem with the pool table: Solución

By raising the issue of the pool table, that is to hit one of the two balls that are on the table (A for example) , so that it impacts the other (la B) previously given in one of the bands (edges) Table, flipping the closed problem to a simple bounce case.

We can generalize the problem considering that you can give, before impact with the second ball, a given number of impacts with the bands (lateral edges) Table.

The problem with the pool table

One of the most geometric games there is the “Billiard game”, in which using a drum with a wad (a pool cue) on a ball, we must ensure that this impact on one or more other arranged in a rectangular table. With the “The taco de bill” effects can be given to balls, but if you just hit them in the center, behavior can be compared to the classical transformations that are studied in the axial symmetries.