Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Categorías Animacion

Los 12 principles explained on a video animation of Pixar: Knick Knack

knick knack

Las mejoras basadas en los 12 principios clásicos de la animación aportan credibilidad a los personajes y escenas del cine basado en imagen de síntesis. They were developed with the first experiences of Disney animation was. These principles are: Stretching and Shrinking (Squash and stretch) Staging (Staging) Acción Directa y Pose a Pose Acción… (leer más)

Virtual musical machine [Animation]


One of the lines of work by many professional animators is to develop mills capable of generating synchronized movement music. These experiences will eventually develop a whole media space with synthetic image. Some of these works have reached an important stage of development, como se puede ver en… (leer más)

Blur Studio: Gopher Broke [Animation]


From 1995, Blur Studio Enterprise it has especializadoo in the creation of animated visual effects; the application of its creative capacity, through various media, It has led them to receive numerous awards and accolades. They produce character animation in 3D, develop the design of its movement with advanced techniques from animation; producen… (leer más)

Projection Mapping

Projection Mapping es el arte de utilizar proyecciones de imágenes que se adaptan a la forma de los objetos que se usan como “pantallas” o soportes de proyección, getting stunning views and elegant especially in urban elements. Es una nueva forma de comunicarse y promocionar eventos o productos. Es especialmente útil desde el punto de vista del marketing para aquellos que quieran lanzar un mensaje de una manera llamativa y atractiva visualmente con la exposición pública garantizada: la proyección en 3D de los edificios

3D Animation, Modifiers: Array: Helical staircase [Blogs experimental] [ Blender ]

Geometry modifiers for transforming simple elements to complex objects that serve to build our scenarios. Here's an example that will allow us to form a spiral staircase ( straight axial helical) from a simple step that will apply a repetitive transformation law. A transformation of great interest are the “Arrays”,… (leer más)

Chinese Character Animation


The pictograms and ideograms to define a simple drawing with a complete concept or word. Asian cultures use in their ancient languages. Some time ago I started in their study through a book that I have recommended: “Manual writing of Chinese characters“. Hoy os presento un interesante vídeo que recrea mediante pequeñas… (leer más)

Circuit [Animation]


Circuit is a small animated short with synthetic image in which two characters cyber (robots) have a fun showdown. The video is a good example of so-called “Particle Systems” and the application of techniques “multifísica” for automatic generation of moving objects. With these systems, objects… (leer más)

Fly [Animation]

A new installment of animations made with synthetic image used to illustrate the techniques required in these productions. The interest here lies in the possibility of group work that can be retrofitted to build a short; una interesante idea para proponer como trabajo de fin de curso en… (leer más)

Sweet & Sour


Otro ejemplo de animación por ordenador de los que utilizo en la asignatura de libre elección que imparto a mis alumnos, que nos sirve para discutir sobre aspectos de la iluminación de escenarios. Un corto de animación de 15 minutos de duración que mezcla imagen 3D de síntesis con animación plana y shaders “cartoon” consiguiendo… (leer más)