Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Animacion

Pacman & Hair

Ago 30 years after the creation of one of the most friendly computer games and addictive: Pacman, and you have a video tribute of a program I made hair adding these unique characters. Cosas de la técnica. Google le ha realizado su clásico homenaje, aunque en este caso un poco más elaborado que… (leer más)

The importance of textures in image synthesis

One of the aspects that provide greater credibility to a synthetic image, along with the lighting, are the textures applied to objects. After the geometric definition of the elements of a scene, properties apply to objects that give the color, roughness, brightness etc.. Este conjunto de propiedades se engloban… (leer más)

Parametric Design Synthesis image: Helicoids

A helix is ​​a surface generated by moving a straight line with two movements: A rotation around an axis or core, and a translation in the direction of said shaft. You can generate complex animations from repetition and simple processing elements. El helicoide es de aplicación en estructuras arquitectónicas y… (leer más)

3D Architectural Animation

Simulación de los procesos de construcción de obras de ingeniería civil. Animation clip of hospital construction. Location Hong Kong 3D architectural animation, visualization studio, architectural animation renderings, interior design, video graphics 3D Hospital Construction Animation – NKIAP Production (2005) 3D architectural animation, visualization studio, architectural animation renderings, interior design, video graphics 3D Exterior & Interior… (leer más)

3D Animation, The House: Move, Rotate and Follow [Blogs experimental] [ Blender ]

Object “camera” identifies the chosen viewpoint for generating images of our scene. By turning the camera we have seen that when you select the camera (for this we select the icon that represents it with the right mouse button) axes appear to us (RGB) that allow us to change their position (by dragging the… (leer más)

3D Animation, The House [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]

Hemos visto que se pueden configurar las ventanas y asociarles diferentes vistas de la escena. En este artículo iniciamos el estudio de “Camera”, que determina el punto de vista utilizado para obtener las imágenes finales. Vistas Cada ventana 3D dispone de un menú “View” en el que se selecciona el tipo de vista que tiene… (leer más)

3D Animation, Save windows with views [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]

After you create windows with different views, We can save the workspace we have set for later use. Vamos a repasar parte de lo visto anteriormente para configurar un espacio de trabajo Hemos visto en el interface de ventanas que para dividir el espacio de visualización, podemos situar el cursor en la parte… (leer más)

3D Animation, windows interface [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]

In the previous article, 3D Animation, introduction to the interface, we began exploring the interface. Hemos visto varios ejemplos sencillos que nos empiezan a mostrar la capacidad de producción que nos facilita el programa Blender.Continuamos la introducción a esta potente herramienta de animación 3D viendo cómo podemos modificar el sistema de ventanas para adaptarlo a nuestra forma… (leer más)

Pixels Vs Voxels

The mixture of real image and image synthesis is usually performed in camouflaging the latter finding a deception of the senses. The integration is to make real what does not exist or is too complex to obtain.
Another way to use the image synthesis is enhance it by giving his own role; Using vivid colors and strong reflection that accentuates the plastic aspect of the production of synthesis we artworks as accompanying this article.

The Known Universe by AMNH

My partner always forwards Santiago Poveda works great interest. I leave the text of your mail and the embeded video. I would see it in full screen! Just a few weeks, el Museo Americano de Historia Natural colgó en la red este espectacular vídeo, una reconstrucción informática que muestra un “viaje” desde la superficie… (leer más)

Sleep Away de Bob Acri. Sphere and Plane with Raytracing [ Blender ]

Bob acri

A relaxing musical composition is the basis to support a minimalist dance between a sphere and a plane.

A very simple yet progressive rendering in all its complexity, in which the “Raytracing” He brings his peculiar brilliance to the scene that is synchronized with the music.

A didactic example of the possibilities of animation software “Blender” in a small fragment that can be built in a weekend.