Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Image Categories

Real or simulated? : Fruits [ Cycles ] [ Blender ] [ Wallpaper ]


We advance in experiments on renderings “Cycles”, Looking inanimate everyday objects. The search for solutions to obtain realistic images of time is based on two “Shaders” : Difusse y Glossy, mixed with “Mix Shader”.

The image also incorporates textures to map brightness, y un desenfoque que le aporta un efecto macro de fotografía.

Real or simulated? [ Cycles ] [ Blender ] [ Wallpaper ]

Cup of coffee

Real or simulated?

How real is the image, or is created with a computer simulation?
El slogan lo leí por primera vez en los carteles de promoción de un master oficial en informática gráfica, juegos y realidad virtual impartido en la URJC.

The question is correct, the boundary between reality and simulation is becoming more diffuse, at least in regard to the credibility of synthetic images.

Pesquero : Detalle [ Cycles ][ Blender ][ Wallpaper ]

Detalle del pesquero

A detail view of the fishing boat model which shows the effect of emissive surfaces defined in “Cycles” lighting and its effect on the environment, on the different surfaces of the boat.

The outline of the mountains of the stage, profiled in a blur due to camera blur bring realism to the set.

Pesquero [ Cycles ][ Blender ][ Wallpaper ]


An exercise of the engine render “Cycles” of a fishing boat in a simple scenario, composed of some mountains generated automatically with the plugin “Landscape” Blender and ocean with the modifier “Ocean”. The foreground object is a 3D model of a fishing boat in the network obtained, al as specified end.

Cycles : Cámara : Profundidad de campo [ Blender ]


One of the effects that bring more realism to an image synthesis is obtained by focusing an object or region located at a distance of cámara.Simula the human eye to focus attention on a particular object, finding other objects more or less blurred.
In photography this effect is known to focus / blur and depth of field of the image, being the result of two factors, aperture and shutter speed.
Rendering made with “Cycles” Blender allows you to define the field profundid very easily. Will select in the scene the camera and go into the menu for your configuration by clicking its icon.

Happy Mother's Day II [ Wallpaper ]


An image commemorating a special day that is repeated year after year to celebrate mothers.

An image of synthesis with floral textures in a tunnel that represents the evolution of the times.

As in other chaos, image can be seen in wallpaper format 1280×1024 pulsando con el ratón.

Visualization of proteins with Blender [ Wallpaper hemoglobin ]


La última compilación del software de modelado y animación Blender incorpora entre sus mejoras un lector (parser) files in PDB format.

This format is used to exchange data scientist atomic structures, in particular to the description of proteins.

Euro pa … [ Imagen ]


An image synthesis represents a fragile euro with its shadow over Europe.
An image that highlights the complex situation that is called “single currency”.

A simple exercise of modeling and rendering with Blender, you can see on resolution wallpaper 1280×1024 pressing on the center image.