Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

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Categories Morphing

Morphing Control: Distortions topological [ with Squirlz Morph ]

Determining control points by morphing how to perform the movement of the image for “mutate” between frames. A simple checkpoint radically changes the result of the transition between the images, to determine how they are transformed image planes. In the following video “plays” with… (leer más)

Morphing Phases : Example applied to faces [ with Squirlz Morph ]

The process of “Morphing” between two images is a mix between a molten image processing and geometric surfaces. Control points displacements indicate that the images will suffer. The proper management of these control points results in a higher quality “transition” between images. Here is an… (leer más)

Morphing: Brad Piziadas [ with Squirlz Morph ]

After delivery “Morphing Phases [ with Squirlz Morph ]” in which I have set an example of morphing with Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega. After messing originated with my coworkers, I can not stop putting other a little more seductive, con Brad Pitt. Sobran las palabras Y… (leer más)

How to Make a Morphing two images [with Squirlz Morph]

Después de ver qué es un morphing, we will perform a complete example, from downloading the software to the production of the image file with the sequence calculated. In this example, let the basic sequence for creating a “morphing” between two images. Existen muchas aplicaciones que facilitan la tarea de creación de… (leer más)

What is Morphing ?

Classically known “Morphing” to a technique of digital image manipulation that allows a controlled transition animation-- two different images. The transformation required for its calculation is done in the so-called “space ratio”. A generalization of the concept of morphing in the “Object Space” es la transformación de un… (leer más)