Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Video categories

Music in Motion: The BoogieBunny!

The music used in animated shorts should help compose the atmosphere; participates actively and synchronously with the image; can replace dialogs. About the "story board" can add annotations with sounds and musical ideas band, forming a broad outline of preliminary project idea. A simple animation, con una buena base… (leer más)

One Rat Short [animation]

A new video which I use as examples in art classes “Animation for ordenador” with my engineering students.

En este caso es una obra de amor creada por Charlex Films que transcurre en dos escenarios, cold one, dirty and dark in opposition to another clean, septic and illuminated.

From Portrait Oval Antonio Frias BSO Sergio Martin

In Octubre, coincidiendo con the semana of Halloween, publiqué in from blog que uso con mis alumnos the asignatura “Animation for ordenador”, un pequeno corto of animation que ahora he rescatado para su dissemination in abierto. Los aspectos técnicos of will ejemplos shaped partly del discurso teaching que if many in las clases, sirviendo… (leer más)

The List [Animation]


A new example of animation made with Blender, I use in classes “Animation for ordenador” to teach students the most. The narrative sequence is based on a sober setting that focuses on the experiences of the character. A good example of minimalist communication.

Simplicity in animations: The Owl

A series of short animations can be based on simple elements. The challenge is to provide movement and expressiveness necessary to convey the message. The main elements like eyes, hands (pins) etc.. They can have their own personality, como es el caso de la seri “The Owl”. La serie de animación está constituida por cortos de… (leer más)

Darling with the dark side [Students work][Blender]

During the last months has been published on the blog a Blender course, free software 3D animation. The course has been an innovative educational experience in which they have participated 50 technical inegenieria Aviation of the UPM students. The experience has consisted of giving training on a blended basis, with… (leer más)

3D Animation, Files: Change of scene objects [Blogs experimental] [Blender]

We have seen how to open new scenes (add) from a file without leaving the current session. We will now see how we can incorporate the elements of the new scenes which we. This allows multiple people to work on the same project, subsequently integrate editing objects in the same scene. Para la gestión de… (leer más)

3D Animation, Animation: Qué es un Path? [Blogs experimental] [ Blender ]

A “Path” computer is the path or direction you will find a file but what is Path animation? A Path is a 3D curve used to define the path to be followed by an object in an animation. El objeto puede mantener su orientación de forma constante o adaptarla para… (leer más)

3D Animation, Objects: Curves [ Blogs experimental ] [ Blender ]

Both surfaces curved as are present in the different applications of computer graphics and, generally, of those on synthetic image; are useful for creating complex three-dimensional models, vectorized image representation, control animations, definición para la visualización de texto y de trayectorias para… (leer más)

3D Animation, Objects: Boolean operations: Tuerca [Blogs experimental] [ Blender ]

Boolean operations to model objects from a set of basic primitives to which operators are applied sum, difference and intersection. The mechanics are simple objects obtained with this technique, and that “manufactured” also from the “basic forms”. A simple example is a nut; aparentemente… (leer más)