Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Vídeos

Big Catch [ Animation ]

Big catch

When a fisherman decides to relax on the dock, can not imagine that will make capturing your life.

This simple argument, undoubtedly reflecting the wishes of any fisherman, serve this nice thread in computer animation short.

Assassin's Creed 3 Vs Assassin's Craft III : Machinima


One of the ways to promote a video game is to create a small short video as part of the developing story of the same argument. This work is usually done with the graphics engine of the game itself, aunque algunas escenas pueden ser renderizadas con herramientas de animación más elaboradas para cuidar el detalle… (leer más)

Alarm [ Animation ]


Again get up early.

After the well-deserved vacation to have to adapt back to school, from the daily routine that is imposed from the early hours of the day with the stridency of the alarm.

In the hands of animators, Moo-hyun Jang y Jung-woo Choo, “Alarm” awakens us to our dream holiday.

Blender Siggraph 2012 reel


Today I've seen posted on BlenderNation a reference to “The Process Diary” whose pages Caggegi Paul presents his work editing the best images made with Blender, presented in the SIGGRAPH this year 2012.

Quality render these scenes play with the imagination of many of these works. A video 2:30 minutes long with sequences 24 different jobs.

Prime time [ Animation ]

Prime time

Cuando miramos la televisión nos convertimos en otras personas.

En este simpático corto de animación nos transportamos a la época de las cavernas para observar este fenómeno en dos personajes de esta época.
¿Seremos tan primitivos en nuestras reacciones como estos cavernícolas?

Un corto creado (escrito y dirigido con un equipo de 25 personas) por Tom Dor, animador israelí, entre los años 2005 and 2006.

Hold the Line [ Animation ]

Hold the line

The 22 June 2005 in television and film academy premiered Dutch animated short “Hold the Line“. A parody of human stupidity set in a hostile environment: A war. Four soldiers tear us smile with his departure martial, su jerarquía protocolaria y la sin razón de… (leer más)

SIGGRAPH 2012 : Computer Animation Festival Trailer

The SIGGRAPH Computer Animation Festival is an annual event in which the world's most innovative works are presented in the field of digital cinema. An internationally recognized jury receives hundreds of proposals and presents the best work of the year at the Festival of daily screenings and Electronic Theatre. Las selecciones incluyen los… (leer más)

Chocolate [ Animation ] [ Blender ]

A fluid animation (chocolate) of great artistic beauty with an interesting picture and sound installation that reveals the model used to create photorealistic images.
Like chocolate?
Interesting combination OvniVFX study in which simple is effective.

A test fluid realizable only by experts, desirable from the technical and visual.

Particle simulation: Vortex


Simulation with a particle system made with Blender. We used three issuers 20.000 spherical particles in each, issued continuously for 200 frames.

Added a vortex force “4” in the center to generate the system dynamics.

A plane crash that does not absorb energy particles to complete the stage.



Kajimba is a project of cartoon production company RedCartel in Sydney, Australia. Designed by James Neale, is aimed at an adult audience and is a part of Australia, little known to the world. Kajimba is an ancient waterhole where, for thousands of years, animals of the interior… (leer más)