Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Video categories

Perfect [ Animation ]


Perfeito is a short 3D animation created and directed by Mauricio Bartok 2009 (Brazil).

A minimalist stage with a surreal twist serve to narrate a scene that exudes sensitivity in desperate pursuit of perfection.

A short that has an impact which sees, movement with plasticity and stiffness of the stage.

Cat’s Meow [ Animation ]

Cats Meow

A new 3D animated short for our collection of useful work for the study of visual techniques in synthetic image.
An interesting work by Jorge Garcia 2009 in which, as usual, the script determines the success of a good buzz.

Humor as a basis for this nice work of art school.

Couple of cartoon characters


In many animation productions are pairs of characters that complement; are clearly differentiated and can be antagonistic or contrary in some aspect: One high and one low; one fat and the other skinny; one dark and the other fair; one with long hair and the other with little hair; one set and the other …. less ready.

A character designer or “Character Designer” be the person who give personality to the character. You have to get the character to have "life” and to provide some kind of feeling.

Los 12 principles of animation


Disney studies laid the foundation of traditional animation, and its subsequent spread to the world of 3D computer animation. During the early years developed a set of rules to keep in mind in any animation for organic effect of the characters, denominating “Los 12 principles of animation”.

El cerdito Ormie [ Animation ]

Ormie the Pig

A short animation that revolves around a fun character, and cerdito Ormie, and unique strategies to get their prized loot: Some biscuits.

Una historia basada en un escenario simple y un acto repetitivo. With very simple frames but greatly motivate ateción, reinforced with a great soundtrack, Fresh and lively.
A short that has received numerous awards, produced by Arc Productions.

ROSA [ Animation ]

ROSA is a short animation of Jesus Orellana deestética “Underground” some comics reminiscent of the 80's.

Use the aesthetics “Matrix” little contrast in environments that create a dense atmosphere, almost dark, to develop an argument in which a cyborg must fight to survive.

An interesting audiovisual proposal may soon become a super-production of cinema.

Short animation


In my regular classes I use resources available in the network. At the Polytechnic University of Madrid computing platform is home to Moodle courses. This platform has the disadvantage of being closed for people who are not registered in the courses, as it is for internal use.

The universalization of knowledge is to allow free access to content and the blog can be used as a showcase for this purpose, either as a means of publishing content themselves or simply as a tool to link multiple thematic content of interest every day browsing with search engines meeting.

Tears of Steel – Blender Foundation’s fourth short Open Movie


Blender development is supported by different initiatives that seek to bring together talent from around the world in a common goal: search and validate production processes with this fantastic tool for synthetic animation. The following project has been worked for a year in studies of the… (leer más)

Pigeon: Impossible [ Animation ]


Some animated shorts have been conducted in a learning process their authors. Many of these jobs are considered a “Debut” are of high artistic quality and have a meritorious technical achievement.

A secret agent, his briefcase high technology and a pigeon (dove) are the basis of this short hilarious animation, that has received numerous awards and accolades.

Gopher broke [ Animation ]


A short mood (Jeff Fowler) it was nominated in the 2005 for an Oscar for best animated short.

Produced by Blur Studio, shows us the adventures of its protagonist to get some food.

A plan unfortunately frustrated by other secondary actors, which however did not discourage our character.

Invention of Love (2010) [ Animation ]

“Invention of Love” short animation is a very personal aesthetic. Images are constructed from silhouettes in different planes that provide depth to the scenes.

A story of love in a world of gears serves singular theme of this work, written and directed by Andrey Shushkov and original music and sound Sizova Polina, Anton Melnikov.