Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Volumen

Volume Shaders : Volume absorption [ Blender ][ Cycles ]

Cycles includes nodes that model the passage of light through the objects interacting with them. One of these models is called shader calculation “Volume absortion”, it is especially suitable for working with transparent objects (used in combination with the shader “Glass” inter alia) o simular humo y nubes.

Volume absorption [ Blender ][ Wallpaper ]

Incorporates Blender Cycles render volumetric imaging allowing increasingly realistic. Although the shader is in constant development, the degree of maturity that has largely simulates the behavior of light in different areas.
Next to simulate techniques such as participating media Scattering, the absorption of light along the volume of the scene allows us to play with its attenuation with distance from the emission source. A new node with which continue to experience in our classes.

New version of Blender (2.7)

We are already used to having, periodically, new versions of the popular suite of image editing and animation synthesis “Blender”.
Besides error correction with respect to other versions, substantial improvements in each revision affecting friendliness incorporated, potential of this powerful and efficient tool.
As always, are offered a version “candidate” for consideration before the release of the official version. You can download a copy for your operating system from the official pages

Video Editing : Transitions “Wipe” [Blender]

We have seen how we can “Generate and edit videos with Blender” passing the process of obtaining images (Render) video editing of the same. This editing process will be described at a basic level, focusing on the production of a video from a global perspective.
Descend to some details in new entries to understand fully the possibilities of incorporating video Editos Blender. En particular, in this, see block transitions we can add effects by type “Wipe”.

Add objects from a file [ Blender ]

In developing a project, one Blender, involving different people with different roles. Some are dedicated to creating stage, others specialize in model objects or encourage, other team members define aesthetics providing materials and textures ….

All these elements are assembled in files where we will create and solve sequences or scenes of our animation.

Rocket [ #Animated GIF ]

A new year animated sequence as, modeled and animated with Blender and edited with GIMP to generate the file in gif animated.

The set is a rocket based on preliminary designs ARIANE 6; in this picture we can sense the movement of the rocket moving in reverse environmental elements (in this case a pair of clouds).

3, 2, 1 … [ Blender ] [ School ]

After the introductory course to Blender animation synthesis we have done in the first quarter, of a 25 hours, my students begin to finish their coursework.
Some of these works, addition to the technical quality of their models and animations, have an issue that we were pleasantly surprised by its plasticity and good work.
Alberto García Alcázar has made this video entirely with Blender, editing it with sound effects that help to strengthen each of the scenes.

Butterfly [ Blender ] [ Wallpaper ]

A new exercise for our basic modeling classes Blender.

In this case performing a scene is proposed with a butterfly and grass, that can serve to editing a plane to form the wings, applying a texture map to assign colors using a particle system to complete the stage.

From rendering to video editing

Once generated models that form the scene in an image sequence synthesis, different stages are working to get the final result in video form.

The calculation process of each of the images of the sequence, rendering, can be performed with various more or less costly techniques calculation time.

Animating clouds [ Blender ]

We have seen how we can create simple clouds. Can we use this technique to our animations? What will they look like in a sequence? Not the same generate a static image that build a more or less complex animation. Along with the aesthetic aspects exist that will give credibility and continuity to the sequence, so we must consider whether the application we are using is or is not valid for our purposes.
We proceed thus to encourage elementary form clouds, simply changing their position and size relative to display the effect that can be obtained.

Simple Clouds [ Blender ]

Today we reviewed an interesting work of one of my students publish later: launching a rocket to the launching of a satellite.

One of the aspects that most caught my attention was the effect of clouds that has incorporated; always learn solutions that bring their projects to generate. In this tutorial we will see a simple technique to represent clouds.