Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías PIZiadas

PIZ : Character Modeling Process (II)

In the previous post we defined the relevant aspects of “Conceptual Design” Our friend PIZ, deepening fundamentally in their conception or structural design. In this new installment outlined aspects which are conforming our character, from a simple geometry. Have you started yours? Our objective is to link the artistic conception with the… (leer más)

3D Animation, introduction to the interface [ Experimental Blogs ] [ Blender ]

In the last article we showed some of the capabilities of Blender as a tool for animation production. In this new installment began to explore the software to learn how to use. The first thing to do is to understand the “UI” for how to structure the screen and what has built the application menus…. (leer más)

3D Animation and Character Animation Software: Blender

Until recently edited a short 3D animation was something that was only available to large industries of animation. Currently available domestically in sufficient processing capacity to make small animations author. A GNU tool which allows 3D animation is “Blender”, a… (leer más)

Paco Rodriguez and Juan Lara (Filmax the Bren) "Perez, The mouse of your dreams"

Hace un año tuve la oportunidad de asistir a un seminario en la URJC sobre el proceso de creación de una película de animación. Paco Rodriguez and Juan Lara Filmax Bren, participants in the film “Pérez, The mouse of your dreams” told us the costly process from idea to production. In… (leer más)

PIZ : Character Modeling Process

The creation process must balance creativity and implementation techniques. Allows free conception of the universe and, simultaneously, demands a pragmatic realization for their realization in the real world. PIZ The design of a character includes detailed analysis of its main aspects: Aesthetic characteristics, with the conceptual form, the color and the… (leer más)

Raytracing [Imagen 1024×1024] [Enlaces]

Raytracing (Wikipedia) Raytracing algoritmo (Wikipedia) What is Raytracing?Introduction to image synthesis(blog personal) Gallery of images published in URJC(Work of a Master) Ray Tracing on Programmable Graphics Hardware(Future Lines) Standford Computer Graphics Laboratory(Schools) URJC Master en gráficos Enlaces internos a imágenes de Raytracing Rubick Esferas Distorsión Distorsión 2