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Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

The pleasure of reading blogs and my memory of Julio Cortazar

This entry was posted a few months ago on the other blog. Given the dates, is a good time for reading and Cortazar is one of the authors that reminds me blog. It makes me look back.

A few days ago I confessed to a friend great scholar of letters:

A long time ago I do not read…, good, I actually spent the day reading English technical documentation, but books ,books…no nothing

Formerly loved short stories Julio Cortazar; I got into a new world and evicting you as quickly, as a “House taken”.

Those readings performed on short trips by bus, conceptual flashes were opened new spaces in my mind youth.

My friend writes a blog and told me that he could vote. He's my friend and I voted. First I saw your blog, I followed after reading others that were in the way. At the end I have dared to write one.

The short stories blogs seduce me again as wonderful as those, for its variety and immediacy. Given the diversity of views that offer generously to the reader or, license allowing linguistic, to the “leyente” (expresses action: Reading it through active interaction with the comment he vote) , interacting browsing as we anticipated Cortazar in Hopscotch, his “direction board”; Comments or notes in the margin notes that were in these books that passed from hand to hand and we recommended we found each other through the mechanisms representation Blog, providing proper surrealism “Stories cronopios and fame “.

Today I realized, I've been reading!.

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