A Path 3D is a curve used to define the path to be followed by an object in an animation.
Vamos a ver cómo se crea la curva que sirve de guía para la trayectoria de un objeto tanto para la animación de la posición como para la de su orientación; for it will make the association with a path and adjust their control variables.
Suppose we want to animate a scene in which some ships move in cycles, following a closed curve, as we see for example in the next scene animated.
Need a curve for each of the ships, one different path because the paths are different. These curves are associated with each of the objects using a specific position modifier; then define the time required for the object to traverse the curve, and guidance should be, So if we want to change the path or simply remain constant.
Add a Path to the scene
Para incorporar la curva actuaremos como con el resto de objetos de Blender. El objeto se denomina “Path” y se encuentra asociado a primitivas básicas, en particular a las “Curves”.
In version 2.49:
We can press the space bar with the cursor in a 3D window and from the popup menu that appears select Add->Curve->Path , (or Add menu located at the top of the window).
The new curve generated has a default name (“Curve”) by the partner with the object you want to animate.
This name, as all objects in Blender, can be edited to change to another more appropriate; This functionality is useful in case of having different objects in a complex scene and want to easily identify.
En la versión 2.6x y 2.7x:
Podemos pulsar la barra espaciadora, con el cursor dentro de una ventana 3D, y en la ventana emergente empezar a escribir “Add Path“. A medida que vayamos añadiendo texto se iran reduciendo el número de comandos disponibles en esta ventana emergente.
También podemos acceder mediante el menú situado en la parte inferior de la ventana 3D
El nombre automático asociado al “Path” this is “NurbsPath”. Podemos verlo y editarlo en dos ventanas, “Outliner” and “Properties”
Entrar en el modo para editar el Path
By adding the path, we see that its appearance is that of a curve. At last, after all is what it is.
Again, la edición del objeto, sus puntos de control, dependerá de la versión de Blender que estemos utilizando.
En todo caso lo realizaremos mediante el teclado (Tecla “Tab”) o accediendo a este modo de edición gracias al menú gráfico.
In version 2.49
We can edit form selecting it with the mouse and entering in edit mode the object (Object), pressing the F9 function key or by pressing that comes with a square icon and its vertices.
En versiones a partir de la 2.6x:
Modificación de puntos de control y cierre de la curva
Form modify the curve is performed exactly like we've seen for edit a NURBS curve.
We will modify the control polygon of the same “dragging” vertices, previously we have selected.
La curva se irá modificando según el modelo matemático que caracteriza a las NURBS.
Representation, edited once the first vertex, change to show the path along with lines that mark, as arrows, the direction of movement.
This curve can be defined in three dimensions, namely, it is a plane curve.
Sus puntos de control se pueden desplazar en cualquier dirección.
To closing the path and generate a cyclic animation press the key “C” in version 2.49 o bien Alt + C en versiones superiores (“Toggle Cyclic”).
También podremos acceder, as usual, a estas funcionalidades mediante menús.
Associate the Path and the Object
To associate the two elements, path y Objeto, actuaremos en función de la versión que estemos usando:
In version 2.49:
Deberemos encontrarnos en modo objeto. Select this mode by pressing the function key F7 or by the corresponding (with the icon representing axes)
Then, select the item to follow the curve (we will ship it to animate) to add a position modifier whose main parameter is the path we have created.
These modifiers restricting position of the object in each frame and are known as “Constraints“.
Add the restriction to the object, selecting among them are in the drop down menu when you press get “Add Constraint” that is in the flange “Constraint”.
The modifier is identified with the label “Follow Path”
Tab “Constraints” will update showing new controls to define and govern the new constraint.
Veamos los pasos básicos para construir la animación.
First indicate the element that should serve as “path” and then adjust the behavior of the object to follow the trajectory.
Will introduce in “Target” the curve name serving “path” (in our case it is called “Curve”) thereby establish the association between the object and the curve to follow.
It may be necessary that the object is in the source to ensure proper monitoring. For this we can press “N” and have a window position coordinates. Modify “Place” in the x-axis X, And and The so that its value is “0“
En la versión 2.6x y superiores
Seleccionaremos el objeto que queremos que siga el Path y le añadiremos una restricción de tipo “Constrain”. In particular we will use “Follow Path”.
Al añadir la “Constrain” aparecerá un nuevo menú de configuración:
Completaremos en primer lugar el “Target” que determinará el “Path” que debe seguir el objeto. Para ello introduciremos su nombre pulsando con el ratón sobre el cuadro correspondiente.
Automáticamente se desplegará un conjunto de opciones con los nombres de los paths disponibles.
Al seleccionar con el ratón sobre uno, se asignará dicho path.
It may be necessary that the object is in the source to ensure proper monitoring. For this we can press “N” and have a window position coordinates. Modify “Location” in the x-axis X, And and The so that its value is “0“
La anomación se realizará mediante “Keyframes”. para ello activaremos “Follow Curve” and “Fixed Position” con lo cual el objeto estará gobernado por el control “Offset”. Para un valor “0” el objeto se encontrará al principio de la curva. Para un valor igual a “1” se encontrará al final del path.
Deberemos incluir al menos dos “Keyframes” para asegurar el movimiento, situaremos el ratón sobre la ventana con el valor del offset y pulsaremos “I”. La ventana cambiará de color para indicar que se ha incorporado un nuevo keyframe
Object Orientation
Depending on the state in which it is the button “Curve Follow“, the object is kept in the same orientation or change following the trajectory of the curve.
Tracking speed curve
To control the aspects of speed and acceleration of the object, and the duration of the movement on the curve use the window that allows editing graphical object variables (lpo Curve Editor).
In version 2.49
We will select that lets edit “Path”, that we select with the mouse.
En la versión 2.6x y sucesivas, deberemos seleccionar el objeto a mover
Grafica del movimiento
The graph representing the movimientonos to define both the speed and acceleration of the object, as the time required to travel the entire length of the path.
At the bottom of the graph represents elapsed time in number of frames.
Lateral edge figures determine the object's position on the curve. The value expresses a position on the front and back ends of the curve.
When the object is located at the origin the value is (0.0) and when it reaches the far end (1.0); Any intermediate position is defined in proportion to a value between the above two.
En versiones superiores a 2.49 se van introduciendo mejoras sustanciales en estas ventanas
Changing the animation time
We edit the graph, like other objects, (Tab key with the selected curve to enter edit mode, and then selecting and moving the vertices with the mouse and / or keyboard).
We can change the length of the animation by moving the point on the far right to the desired. If we want to start moving in a particular frame, we will make a corresponding adjustment of the right vertex of the graph.
Changing animation speed
By modifying the shape of the curve will be indirectly modifying the speed of the object. If the animation duration increases, the velocity of the object must be smaller to fit the new range of duration.
You can enter new points on the curve to modify, or change through a series of set patterns. In Figure, the curve has been modified so that it has become a straight. This means that the object will cross the curve evenly, with the same speed in each section.
When introducing new points (Ctr Pressing the button then mouse izdo) will have increased motion control.
The horizontal sections of the curve indicate that the object does not move, maintains its position.
The very steep sections generate very rapid movements of the object.
To turn on a line graph depicting the object tracking, go to the dropdown menu “Curve” giving us access to these functions.
A pulldown menu will allow us to interpolate new values between the ends of the curve.
En la versión 2.7x se ven un importante número de efectos para automáticamente modificar la curva editada. Seleccionando la curva y pulsando la tecla T accederemos a estas funciones
Sample template
In order to practice and adjust the various parameters, adding a template ( Ship with Path ) with a simple example of a ship that is already associated with a path.
- You can try to change the path or speed variation control her curves editing.
- Tami can generate a new path and change the association in order to follow a new curve.
- You can experiment with the degree of compliance of the curve makes the curve. To modify the degree of this “influence” it has on the object position
. High values (1.0) indicate that faithfully follows the trajectory object, Low values (0.0) release the object of the attraction curve
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