Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Tie tinsel and balls with transparent background to decorate the banner of the blog

lazo_espumillon_thumbChristmas is coming, and some think of decorating with Christmas blog. On this page you can find different images of the same motif that differ in the color of the illumination, with Christmas tinsel loop and three colored balls that can be used to overlay the banner of the blog.

The images are transparent background with a resolution of 640×200 points (click on the image). Have been modeled with Blender 2.5 As explained in the article 3D Animation, Examples: Christmas Tinsel. If you want, Also you can download the file. Blend of tinsel
If you prefer tinsel in vertical format, have another set of images published in Christmas Tinsel to decorate the blog.
