Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categorías Blog

Morphing @Historiade [Sqirlz Morph]

@historiade Asesor fiscal y laboral. History Lover, reading and sport. Rationalize when my heterodox nature allows me… Historias de nuestra Historia Imagen de Síntesis Sqirlz Morph

Personal Blogs: Uruguayita SOUTH AND CAFES

A blog full of creativity endearing, hard and struggle for life that shows the strength of feeling and love for others. A sensitive space full of inner beauty and outer appearance care. A space inviting when you visit it again, as to your own home; te hace sentir más… (leer más)

Political Blogs: from Cadiz - Blog Paco Piniella @ pacopini

A blog of social criticism with clear leftist political accent makes us sensitive to the problems of local and universal level. A blog of a sea traveler, knowledgeable about the world and cultures known to take the rough with the smooth, self-critical and entertaining. Un formato ágil del maestro de maestros con… (leer más)

Personal Blogs: Sonia Unleashed

A blog which has now completed its first year, fresh and full of ideas that bring us to another beautiful Catalan city and cosmopolitan worldview, where we find the most diverse topics from the hand of the author, SoniX, que no tiene recato en ofrecernos su vida con un personal humor repleto de… (leer más)

Personal Blogs: SOLO INTEREST

A blog full of creativity, strength and assertiveness that teaches us our daily maximum applicable to the pair of beguiling with their entertaining and wise teachings task, metaphorically we lead by their stories. Un blog que evoluciona a pasos agigantados introduciendo obras de creación propia y seleccionessolo de interes”; un trocito de una… (leer más)

Personal Blogs: JM of @ JMNoticias

From this blog you can read the most interesting news of our country, views from the objectivity of the spatial distance that offers its resident author in Denmark. Un punto de vista independiente no sujeto al bombardeo mediático de nuestro entorno próximo que se complementa con información variada e interesante. Un espacio en el que mirarnos sin titubeos, in… (leer más)

Blogs Graphics: Oscar Velazquez @ oscarcillo

A Photoblog of high artistic quality that the image conveys a message not written though compelling in form and content. In which the framing, the reason, light and focus transmit verb and adjectives of great beauty and narrative expression. Fotos estáticas que animan al movimiento en una rica variedad temática… (leer más)