Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categories Society

2015 the year we can @ahorapodemos

One of the most important social phenomena of this year has been the creation, and rise, a new political party that has attracted the support of an important social mass, fed up with the way conventional party politics: We can

Santiago Carrillo Solares [ Mosaic ] [ Imagen ]

Santiago Carrillo

Mosaic photo D. Jose Santiago Carrillo Solares, highly relevant Spanish politician who was instrumental in the transition to democracy.

Gijón, 18 January 1915 – Madrid, 18 September 2012

The images that make up the mosaic were obtained with Google image search and belong to their authors. The mosaic has been made with the software MacOSaiX.

Are they a problem politicians?

Graphic Political

Looking for information in the CIS (Centre for Sociological Research) I've run into a data table entitled:
“Three major problems that currently exist in Spain (Multiresponse %)”

Interpreting the graphs allow numerous data sets. They are representations that facilitate data analysis, Application to multiple professional sectors.

Manuel Fraga Iribarne [ Mosaic ] [ Imagen ]


Mosaic photo D. Manuel Fraga Iribarne, highly relevant Spanish politician who was instrumental in the transition to democracy. Villalba 23 November 1922 –Madrid 15 January 2012. The images that make up the mosaic were obtained with Google image search and belong to their authors. Mosaic… (leer más)

Political Blogs: from Cadiz - Blog Paco Piniella @ pacopini

A blog of social criticism with clear leftist political accent makes us sensitive to the problems of local and universal level. A blog of a sea traveler, knowledgeable about the world and cultures known to take the rough with the smooth, self-critical and entertaining. Un formato ágil del maestro de maestros con… (leer más)

Las Fallas, SGAE and our mourning

By the mid-eighteenth century, failures were a simple celebration included in the program of events typical of the feast of St. Joseph (19 March). As day 18 in some urban routes appeared rompers hung in the middle of the street from window to window, or small platforms placed next to the… (leer más)

España: EU Presidency.

European Presidency: Zapatero recoge el testigo de Suecia en el acto del Teatro Real De Moncloas, million and computer security !Stop the world I want to get off! Mr. Bean, President of the EU? Hacked web after posting of the Spanish Presidency in the EU with Mr Imaging. Bean