Graphic PIZiadas

Graphic PIZiadas

My world is in..

Categories Technology

Las Fallas, SGAE and our mourning

By the mid-eighteenth century, failures were a simple celebration included in the program of events typical of the feast of St. Joseph (19 March). As day 18 in some urban routes appeared rompers hung in the middle of the street from window to window, or small platforms placed next to the… (leer más)

Internet Censorship: Australia, Blackout

08 Oct 2009 Australian ISP sued by the users off the sus 15 December 2009 Australia follows the steps of China on Internet censorship 21 December 2009 China and Australia censor the Internet 19 Jan 2010 Google censorship in Australia 20 Jan 2010 Australian Internet protest against government censorship blackout… (leer más)